A Fascinating Past Life Account

A Fascinating Past Life Account

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Recently a client sent me a narrative of her past life regression that she wrote as part of a collection of past life experiences that I’m gathering for a book. It was a fascinating session on many levels, so with her permission I’m sharing it here. Since her soul had been an American soldier fighting in Vietnam prior to this life, the information that she obtained in the regression experience was recent enough that it could be verified through research. The session demonstrates many things besides the authenticity of past life memories and our transcendent soul nature: (1) very young children can often be aware of the spiritual realm until they learn to shut it down later in life; (2) souls can travel across the world after death to be with loved ones, and then later be aware of how their loved ones are getting along; (3) souls often incarnate in groups; (4) love transcends time and space; (5) the subtle feelings you receive from your soul are worth listening to; (6) although this physical life may seem like it’s all there is, the lives behind the forms here are involved in another experience in the spiritual dimension, and they can intersect with ours. I’m sure there are others that you may pick up on. I’ll add on a side note that, interestingly, this is one of several cases recently in which a client has reported a huge spike in intuitive abilities that somehow got kicked off after their session. The veil between this physical realm and the spiritual is getting thinner.

Enjoy this fascinating account. It could have been much longer, but has been written in a condensed version.


“Throughout high school I had a persistent urging to do a past life regression.  I had read books on the subject but had no idea where to go about finding someone who would be able to do something like this.  I often thought about my career goals and had an inner knowing that I wanted to work in a Medical Examiner’s Office and specifically helping families find answers to why their loved ones had died.  Although I had not personally experienced death, I often dreamed that I was a man floating above my body as it was leaving this earth.  I would wake up crying because I missed my former family so much.  It felt strange but at the same time so real.  It was almost immediate upon enrolling in college with Mortuary Science as my major, that these dreams subsided.  Upon graduating from college, I landed my first job as a funeral director.  Although I wanted to work in a Medical Examiner’s office, at the time it wasn’t something readily available and I had this nagging feeling I wasn’t qualified or skilled enough to meet the requirements.  I worked as a funeral director for approximately one year.  In hindsight I realize that the hostile work environment, while extremely challenging at the time, was in many ways a mixed blessing.  Feeling somewhat downtrodden and dissatisfied, I resigned from that place of employment and which literally empowered me and gave me the necessary time to set about doing a few things on my “bucket list.”

The internet was very resourceful to learn more about past life regression and how to go about making an appointment.  When Eric’s name came up, I had a strong intuitive response and immediately knew he was the person I needed to go visit.  I wasted no time scheduling my appointment.  In a way, I felt like this was just a way to entertain my long-standing curiosity and I would go with an open mind and see where it would take me.  I honestly wondered if perhaps this might be a little over the top but there was no way I was going to miss this opportunity.

On the day of my session, Eric and I discussed my purpose for coming and I expressed that I wanted clarification as to what I should be doing in regard to my career.  We also talked about what a normal session would be like and that if at any time I did not feel comfortable enough to continue he would bring me back to a safe place and I was free to express my concerns.  I quickly settled into a state of relaxation and Eric asked me questions about what was coming to me.  I began seeing static, sort of like that of when you push your fingers into your eyes.  While I was present with that I observed it turning into black and white rushes and forming plant-like shapes.  After what seemed like seconds of this, I began to see green jungle-type trees and a lush array of green plants that appeared to be everywhere.  Suddenly, I sensed myself in chaos, in a jungle, there was fighting.  Eric asked me to look down.  I noticed that I was wearing black combat-type boots, green itchy clothes, and could feel a helmet on my head, and my hand and arm clinging onto a rifle.  I kept turning, watching my back, knowing there was an enemy closing in on me.  My comrades were beside me.  Panic was overtaking me and just then I saw bright flashes of white light from bombing and fire.  Eric sensed my anxiety and gently asked me to let go of that realm and back into a gentler and earlier time in my life.

Before me was a red barn, tall green fields of corn, and a white-washed fence.  Tears flowed down my cheeks and I began crying.  There was a consuming feeling that I did not want to leave my family behind; I did not want to go to war.  As my sobbing increased, I could sense Eric’s concern as he asked me what was my name and about my hometown.  I actually gave him a person’s name and the state I was living in at that time.  He asked me to go back in time even further.  I breathed a sigh of relief and there I was a young boy, perhaps about 10 years old.  I was sitting on a bar stool in what appeared to be an old soda shop from the 1950’s.  My parents were behind me and my three siblings were off to the side playing.  Gazing out the window, I was observing cars from the 1950’s era driving down the street.  This was my childhood and it felt so familiar.

Again, Eric asked me to go forward in time.  I am seeing a pregnant young woman and a 2- or 3-year old boy next to her holding her hand.  I recognized her immediately as my wife, and coincidentally enough, she looks exactly like I do now.  I am feeling an excitement as our second child is soon to be born.  A sadness and tears flow again.  I have a consuming feeling that I don’t want to leave them behind.  Eric senses this and again took me forward in time.

I am at base camp.  I see a large green truck with what looks like a white star on the side.  There are endless small buildings every direction, planes overhead, a landing strip in the middle of the camp, and a tall sniper tower.  I turn around and see men in white jackets behind me and feel surrounded by troops at the camp.  I am walking into a building and there dead bodies scattered endlessly.  Oddly enough, I am not scared.  Eric asked me at this point if I see any combat and then the scene changes.

My vision turns black.  I cannot feel my lower legs, and a prickly sensation vibrates up through my upper legs.  I am walking in something deep like thick mud or quick sand.  My gun is heavy above my head; it is night-time and I am in a heavy swamp.  There’s a comrade on each side of me and we move together as a unit.  We make out a vision of a small boat in the far distance; there are men on it, and they are wearing pointy hats.  I struggled to site in my rifle and was aiming when suddenly I am blacking out.

I have no idea how much time has passed but I am waking up in what seems like a prison.  My hands are tied above my head in a dimly lit room.  There is a man in some sort of cage to my left.  There is also something very significant about him, but I cannot comprehend what it is.   There are many fellow comrades and they are caged and tied up as well.  I see a man in a chair that is tilted back being water boarded and it is by Viet Cong.  A dense and overwhelming sense of doom comes over me and I desperately need to get out of here.  At that point, Eric again sensing my anxiety, suggested moving forward in time.

I am lying on the ground in some sort of field, on my belly, my face sweats of blood and there’s a sensation that my face is smashing in on me.  I feel the uniform that I am wearing.  My strength is draining and I am so weak.  Seconds later my spirit is rising and it is leaving my body.  However, there is still a perpetual sadness.  I am missing my family; I want to be at home.  I resist rising with my spirit and hang on with all the resilience I can muster.  I need to see my family.  I get a vision of me beside our toddler.  He is in a highchair.  He sees me.  He is giggling and waving at me.  My wife and other son are with him.  I am here; how can they not see me.  This contributes to my intense grief.  The baby continues to realize my presence and we have this almost telepathic way of communicating.

My wife goes through a dark period of time after my passing.  Eventually she remarries.  I do not like her new husband.  I see a dark shadow around him as if he were wearing a dark suit and hat all the time.  He seems like some sort of a salesman.  Again, I am pulled into the moment realizing I am crying and that all encompassing sense of missing my family is filling my heart.  I have a knowing that they feel like I ran away and deserted them.  My body has not been found.  At that point, Eric gently guides me to my afterlife and asks me to describe my experience.  I experience a huge shift into the most beautiful, peaceful, and loving place and feel like I am a part of it.  It is beyond words as if being part of a heaven beyond what we are capable of even imagining.

At this point in time, Eric asks me about my family from that lifetime.  I know my sons are still alive and living in the state that I was able to pinpoint earlier.  He asks me about my wife and I see a rural cemetery where she is buried.  The date on the tombstone is 1989, which is after I was born in this current lifetime.  I begin to feel her spirit and a heartfelt elation comes over me.  It almost feels like I am having some sort of outer space experience.  I see her outline as a female with a glowing pure white star where her heart should be.  It feels like we are locked in hug that should go on for eternity.  We belong together in this realm and are reunited at such a soulful level.

Eric asks how she died and she points to her heart.  I have a knowing that she is still in the spirit world and she tells me that she is going to come back to me in another form.  She will be incarnated and born to me as my daughter one day.  She assures me we will be together again.  I feel another male spirit kind of “butting in” and Eric wants me to talk to him.  This spirit looks the same as my wife except for a male outline to his spirit.  He takes me back to the torture scene and shows me that he was the man next to me in the cage.  We had so often talked about going back to Nashville where he was from and that we were going to make it out of this prison together.  Eric asks me if this person had reincarnated and he responded to me that he was for a while but died as a baby.  Eric asks me if I knew him and I answer, “of course, he was our neighbor’s baby that died a month before I was born!”  Our mothers were pregnant together much of the same time.  Eric asks me if he knew he was going to die and he replied “I died of SIDS and I did not necessarily know that was going to happen.  It is okay though because we will meet again in this lifetime when I am born as your son.”

Needless to say, this experience with Eric was deeply profound.  I found so many answers to questions that I earlier could not even be prolific in identifying.  What was deeply moving was the emotional breakthrough into feelings I had never come close to touching.  They were so real and so intense.  My heart experienced a thawing and for the first time ever, I was in touch with who I really am on a deeper level.

I went into this session with Eric wondering about my career goals and came out knowing my life purpose.  I was put on this earth to be the voice of the deceased and give families answers that they need to know or hear in order to begin healing and finding peace in the passing of their loved ones.  I know this especially because of the pain I felt in my family by what they went through not knowing.  I realized that my vision of working in a Medical Examiner’s office is exactly what I needed to pursue.

Not only do I know why I was put on this earth, but I know that I will get to be with my soul mate (my wife from the past life who will be in a precious form which I can love and nourish) as well as my future son and that death is never the end and love really does have an eternal realm.  I have learned how to love and appreciate the people important to me in this life and also how to empathize and have compassion for people in a variety of life circumstances.

I want to end this on a note where I am proud to say that a few months after my session with Eric, I was offered and secured a position at a Medical Examiner’s Office.  I absolutely LOVE my job!  I also have realized my life partner in this realm and we are engaged.  Had I not done a past life regression, I shudder to think that I might still be stuck in a same old previous pattern and going through life half-heartedly coherent enough to know something significant was just under the surface but clueless as to what that might be.  Most importantly is that I have learned what it means to love another person in a spiritually unconditional way regardless of gender, circumstances, and have experienced  how that eternal love transcends time and space.  In miraculous ways this regression session with Eric integrated an unconscious past into a current consciousness where I am much more aware of life on many levels and with this special knowing the past integrates and guides me as I move forward.  With this known confidence, I am able to deal with challenges from a much higher state of consciousness and assist others as circumstances present, not only in everyday life but in my career with the Medical Examiner’s Office.”

What it means to awaken

What Does it Mean to “Awaken?”

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are many ways to talk about awakening. In one sense, “awaken” means to shift from the identification with the ego self to identification with the spiritual self. The ego operates from all of the programming and conditioning learned through life experiences, while the spiritual self transcends the physical reality.

Keep in mind we are multi-dimensional beings…part of us grows and changes physically, mentally, emotionally and also as a soul. However, another part of us does not. What part of you doesn’t change? What part of you can say “I’m sad” when you’re five, and then 50 years later can say “I’m sad”? Who or what is this permanent “I” that can notice  feelings and beliefs that come and go? There’s a dimension of you that transcends your ego-based emotions and beliefs, as well as your body. As we awaken we begin to become aware of this permanent life within and yet beyond the form.

One result of awakening is freedom from the fear-based conditioning that the ego lives from and is governed by. Fear is a major component of the ego. Ego = Separation. It’s true that we have separate bodies, but it’s more true that we are souls using a body, and even truer that all souls come from the same one energy source. To fully awaken means to live from the One Self. Christ consciousness means oneness consciousness, and that is why Jesus was also known as Christ, and preached about treating others as yourself…because ultimately they are your Self.

Therefore, waking up is really a radical shift in identity, according to Adyashanti. To awaken is to begin to live from the vantage point of spirit, which is what you can never really separate yourself from because you ultimately are it. To fully awaken is to understand this first as an intellectual concept, then from the heart, and finally from the gut as an absolute inner knowing.

Another way of deciphering your ego self from your spiritual self is to view it through the frame that author Neile Walsch puts it. He suggests that all human thought and actions are based in either fear or love (ego or spirit). He articulates, “Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs, hides, hoards, harms. Love is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares, heals.” He says, fear judges, is intolerant, lies beneath anger and holds onto it, whereas love empathizes, is tolerant and seeks understanding. Fear feels lack. Love feels wholeness, completeness, that all needs are met. Fear separates, divides, and is based on conditional acceptance. Love sees and feels Oneness. Love unites, and is based on unconditional acceptance. The communication of fear is vague, indirect and withholding of truth, whereas the communication of love is clear, direct, honest and specific.

Where does the love in your heart come from? You are not separate from it. It is there at your core when you peel back the layers of the ego-self. You can fully experience this with any deep inner journey experience like past life regression or life-between-lives, because the ego-self is rendered silent during these inward sojourns.

In closing, here is some pertinent wisdom from Tarun Sardana: “We don’t need a reason to be happy. We need a reason to be unhappy. Happiness is our real nature. When a seeker reaches the Self, bliss is experienced, as that is the very nature of the Self. To make a river flow, we need not give any instructions or reasons. We just need to remove the barriers that we have put up and the river will start flowing on its own because flowing is its very nature. In the same way, bliss is the very nature of the Self, one needs no reason to welcome it; just remove the barriers of the ego-self and the Self shall show up as Sat-Chit-Anand (truth-consciousness-bliss).”

To wake up is to know who and what you really are, and then to live from this place. It’s what we are all trying to learn, whether we are conscious of it or not.

Jewish reincarnation story

If We Knew Who We Really Were…

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In 2003, I attended the first World Congress of Regression Therapy in Holland. Dr. Eli Lasch, a German-born Jewish medical doctor, healer and past life regression therapist from Israel, presented a fascinating paper. He detailed three verified accounts of clients who died in past lives near or in Germany around WWII, and within a few years reincarnated into different religions.

In one of these cases, a Jewish woman came to him from Jerusalem because of nightmares. She was American-born from the Boston area, but moved to Jerusalem to get closer to her Jewish heritage. In her nightmares, she was in a concentration camp, not as a Jew but as a German wearing a swastika on her arm. Dr. Lasch regressed her to a past life as a young German girl in a small town in southern Germany. (He later verified her name through birth records.) Her father had returned from WWI with an amputated leg. He was embittered, cruel and anti-Semitic. Around the age of 16, she ran away from the brutality of her father. Eventually, she worked as a guard in the Auschwitz concentration camp. She recalled how powerful it felt to finally hold the club rather than cowering from one. Through this seductive power she became a cruel guard. After Auschwitz was liberated in 1945, she was arrested and hung as a Nazi war criminal in 1946. Dr. Lasch again verified her name through death records. Even up until her execution, she felt little remorse. It was only in the soul realm when she felt regret over the harm she had caused others in her life. Her soul then decided to incarnate into the group of people she had abused and persecuted. She was born into an upper-middle class Jewish family in 1948, in a suburb of Boston. As she grew older, she felt compelled to move to Jerusalem to experience and immerse herself in her Jewish heritage.

What is the moral of this true story? Perhaps it is to be careful who you discriminate against because you, as a soul, may chose to incarnate into the very group of people that you judge most harshly. How would it affect the world if we all knew this as fact? How would it affect hate groups? How would it affect you? This is the direction we are moving towards as the veil becomes thinner regarding our permanent soul nature. As souls, we are interested in growing, awakening, evolving and also to learn balance. We’re trying to learn to love our neighbor as ourselves, not only because it’s the nice thing to do, but because our neighbor is ultimately our Self. We are here to see past our surface differences to our true Selves in each other.

More links with Christianity and Reincarnation

Reading Time: 5 minutes

I recently came across an article that outlined some references to reincarnation in the Bible. I thought I would share part of that article here. The value of reincarnation is that it places our primary identity as eternal and connected with God verses mortal and separate from God. This subtle identity shift can make huge impacts on our viewpoint of ourselves, each other and of life. We are in a time that it’s important to move away from an either/or position regarding reincarnation and Christianity. It’s logical now to call yourself a Christian and believe in reincarnation. In so many ways, the Christian Bible comes alive in verifiable ways that unite rather than divide when viewed through the lens of Eastern spirituality.

For more information about the article below or to obtain the entire document, as well as much more information about this subject, please email Renewed.Hope@aol.com.

Here is the article:

Since this is predominately a Christian Country, I will start with things mentioned in the Bible. There are numerous areas of the bible that can lead a person to believe that belief in reincarnation was a part of early Christianity:

Matthew 11:13-15 states: “For all the prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, John himself is Elijah who was to come. He who has ears to hear, let him hear”. Matthew 17:10-13 states: “Then his disciples asked him, “Why do the teachers of religious law insist that Elijah must return before the Messiah comes?” Jesus replied, “Elijah is indeed coming first to get everything ready. But I tell you, Elijah has already come, but he wasn’t recognized, and they chose to abuse him. And in the same way they will also make the Son of Man suffer.” Then the disciples realized he was talking about John the Baptist.” In both of these quotes, it appears that Jesus is clearly saying that John the Baptist is the reincarnated Elijah.

John 1:19-23 states: “This was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders sent priests and Temple assistants from Jerusalem to ask John, “Who are you?” He came right out and said, “I am not the Messiah.” “Well then, who are you?” they asked. “Are you Elijah?” “No,” he replied. “Are you the

Prophet we are expecting?” “No.” “Then who are you? We need an answer for those who sent us. What do you have to say about yourself?” John replied in the words of the prophet Isaiah: “I am a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘Clear the way for the LORD Is coming!’” Regardless of how John the Baptist answered this question, the fact that the question was asked, and that the rulers sent a delegation of priests and Levites to John the Baptist to ask him this question, clearly shows that reincarnation was taken seriously. Even though John’s reply was “no” that he was not Elijah, his answer fits with the doctrine of reincarnation which states: We are not any of the individual incarnations, but we are the spirit that experiences all of them.

John 5:25-29 states: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live. For as the Father has life in himself; so has he given to the Son to have life in himself; and has given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” This verse shows that the resurrection is something that happens now not sometime in the future. According to Edgar Cayce readings, the term used to include reincarnation during the time of Jesus was resurrection. If you replace the word resurrection here with reincarnation, the teaching is identical to what is taught in the East.

John 9:1-2 states: “As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. “Rabbi,” his disciples asked him, “why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents’ sins?”. The only way that this man’s sins could have caused him to be born blind is for

him to have sinned before he was born in his current body. Regardless of the answer, the question shows a belief in this, and not only by the common people, but by Jesus’ disciples.

Mark 8:27-30 states: “Jesus and his disciples left Galilee and went up to the villages near Caesarea Philippi. As they were walking along, he asked them, “Who do people say I am?” “Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say you are one of the other prophets.” Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Messiah.” But Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about him.” This question shows belief by the common people.

Hebrews 11:35 states: “Women received their loved ones back again from death. But others were tortured, refusing to turn from God in order to be set free. They placed their hope in a better life after the resurrection.” Again, if you replace resurrection with reincarnation, this fits perfectly with what is taught in Eastern doctrine.

All of the Abrahamic religions, which include Christianity, clearly teach and taught reincarnation.

It is the Catholic Church that removed reincarnation from their teachings and thereby removed it from Christianity. When Galileo discovered and announced that the Earth rotated around the sun instead of vice versa, the Catholic Church had him sentenced to death, forcing him to recant. Otherwise he would have been burnt at the stake which is something the Church did to people who disagreed with official Church doctrine. In the same way that saying the sun rotates around the Earth does not make it so, removing something from the Church doctrine does not change what is true.

What most Christians should but do not know, is that the root religion of Christianity, through Abraham, is very likely the Brahman faith of India. Abram, the original name of Abraham, means Exalted Father. It comes from, or is at least connected to, the Hindu name for God of Brahm, which also means Exalted Father. The fact that Abram has no other literal meaning in Hebrew indicates that it is probably a shared or borrowed word or name. Also, the Jewish scholar and theologian Flavius Josephus (37 – 100 A.D.) Clearchus of Soli, a Greek philosopher and student of Aristotle (4th – 3rd BCE), and Megasthenes, who was a Greek ethnographer and explorer about three hundred years before Christ, all agreed that the Hebrew race is descendant from philosophers and priests that migrated from India. There are too many other sources that support this connection of Abram to India to mention them all. The name Abram indicates that Abraham was probably a Brahmin priest. Not only is reincarnation taught in all of the Abrahamic religions, it is taught in all of Buddhism, Hinduism, and most if not all, other isms.

People who die and go to Heaven and come back in near-death experiences confirm, among other things, learning and knowing that reincarnation is a reality. They also confirm that we do not have to be sick, diseased, get shot, stabbed or in some other manner actually die to reach Heaven. ‘Proof of Heaven’ is a book written by a neuro-surgeon who died and went to Heaven. Though near-death is something that has happened to many thousands of people, including a couple people that I have talked to face-to-face, this neuro-surgeon’s account is perhaps the best documented case in recent history. You can watch and listen to some interviews with him at this link: http://www.lifebeyonddeath.net/at-a-glance. The interview with Oprah Winfrey is a good one to start with.

Reincarnation & Christianity

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I would like to share a good article that I came across regarding Christianity and reincarnation. It was written by Ann Barham, a Marriage and Family Therapist and Past Life Regression Therapist in California. Enjoy!

Why is it that Christian religions appear to be so opposed to the concept of reincarnation? As it turns out, this attitude is a departure from the origins of Christianity. Nowhere in the Bible is reincarnation repudiated, in fact it appears to be a concept that Jesus and his followers took pretty much for granted. Jesus himself speaks of John the Baptist as the return of Elias (Matthew 11:14 and 17:11, Mark 9:11-13). We must look to the development of the Roman Catholic Church and its doctrines to understand how the concept of reincarnation lost favor in Christian tradition.

        The first 300 years after Jesus’ death, there were many variations of Christian doctrine as the new religion spread throughout the Roman Empire. A number of factions developed, some believing in reincarnation, some not, and the factions were frequently in conflict. In an attempt to consolidate his crumbling Roman Empire, the Emperor Constantine in 325 A.D. offered his official support to Christians if they would settle their differences and establish a unified set of beliefs. The resulting Council of Nicaea put together the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church and established a new doctrine, from which reincarnation was omitted. Christians were subsequently instructed to drop any belief that was not covered in the doctrine.

        However, the belief in reincarnation did not disappear easily, and in fact persisted for centuries afterwards. In the early 13th century, the Pope launched a crusade against the Cathars, a reincarnationist Christian sect in Italy and Southern France, and wiped them out completely. This, and the ensuing Spanish Inquisition with its fatal intolerance for any deviance from strict church doctrine, was finally effective in forcing Christians to give up their belief in reincarnation – at least publicly!

        Why should the early church care so much about this belief, which so many early Christians accepted? The truth was, reincarnation undermined the authority and power of the developing church. A believer in reincarnation assumes greater personal responsibility for his own spiritual evolution, relying less on the influence and control of priests, confessionals, and rituals to ward off eternal damnation. None of these trappings of the church were part of Jesus’ original teachings, they were added by the men who shepherded the developing religion. Early Christianity was subject to the same pitfalls many grass-roots movements face when their original leaders are gone. Of necessity, the followers begin to establish a structure and organization to carry on what was given to them. In the process, some valuable elements can be lost and even replaced by dogma that has more to do with practical concerns (like church finances) than spiritual ideals. Reincarnation has never been in conflict with the tenets of Christ’s teachings, merely in conflict with the control wielded by the church.

Past Life Regression’s Greatest Attribute

Reading Time: 4 minutes

One of the most important insights that past life regression offers is the realization that you are an immortal being. This truth more deeply sinks into the subconscious mind as a result of connecting to the soul part of you that already knows this truth, and the trickle-down benefits are subtle, yet profound. You are a soul here and now, which means that you never die. Something that would significantly help the planet would be for individuals to wake up to their immortality. Evidence of our immortality is reflected in the thousands of cases of accurate past life recall.

As we deepen in the awareness of our immortality, it slowly dawns on us that we are merely role-playing here. The goal of this game of human life is to find lasting happiness. We search outside of ourselves for awhile until a turning point in the soul’s evolution steers our focus inward. As we deepen our search, we can experience peace, lightness and love, until one day we realize that these states are not states at all, but characteristics of the deepest part of our being, available when we’re free of the mind’s buzzing turmoil. Eckhart Tolle points out that the key to this freedom is to take the focus off of the content of our minds and place it on the eternal ‘beingness’ or pure, unfiltered conscious-awareness that provides the backdrop of all of our mind’s content…the part of you that can be aware of a passing mood or thought. Yet forgetfulness happens repeatedly, and again we identify with the human part of us that is burdened with our opinions and worries until we once again remember the truth of our being.

The human experience is one of forgetfulness, and also of getting lost…lost in the world of the mind and all of our beliefs about what’s true, about who we are, and things on the ‘to-do’ list. This is my challenge, as well as most of us.

A natural quality of waking up to the most permanent part of you is acceptance. As we live from surrendered acceptance, we can fully participate in the ups and downs that life offers without wanting to escape or be fearful. There is a natural acceptance of ‘what is’, even if it brings unwanted emotions, because it becomes safe to fully feel emotions. When you know you’re role-playing, any emotion can be a rich, textured experience, even the grief from loss. I know people who won’t allow themselves to love again because of the pain of loss. Past life regression usually unveils the illusion of loss, making it safe to love, and feel hurt, and then deeply love again. It also cuts through the illusion of fear, allowing you to know what it would feel like to securely live from your full potential, free of any limiting beliefs and subtle anxieties that hold you back.

A natural acceptance of other’s beliefs is an important, key by-product of identifying with our true immortal selves, given the diversity on our planet. Nobody’s beliefs or dogmas, including our own, need to be taken personally. It’s recognized that all beliefs are products of the human conditioning process, and who and what we ultimately are transcends all beliefs. Then we can accept one another. We don’t have to agree with or even like each other’s limiting beliefs, but there can be a recognition that beneath all beliefs there is something in common….we are immortal, we come from the same energy source, and we have each blindly forgotten this truth. Yet that’s not a problem, because it’s that way by design. It’s the play of the divine Oneness, also known as God’s “Lila” in the Hindu tradition, that we’re all a part of. The goal of this play is to awaken to who we really are, and therefore out of our judgments of ourselves and others. Adyashanti, an awakened teacher, says the best indicator of our spiritual growth is how accepting and tolerant we are with those of opposing belief systems. From the vantage point of the highest dimension of yourself, there is no effort to accept, you are acceptance itself because everyone and everything else is a part of you, whether they’re conscious of that fact or not. Furthermore, it’s impossible to be separated from this part of you, as it’s the backdrop of your beingness. It merely gets overlooked during the human hypnotic experience. A deep inner journey, whether self-guided or guided, can make this evident.

It has been said by many these days that it is imperative that we wake up to our immortality which transcends all of our worries and judgments about ourselves and others. When we can sense and know the sameness beneath our differences, then we can realize that we are all one consciousness, albeit lost and operating through seven billion unique filters of programming and conditioning, resulting in various degrees of suffering. The natural emotion that arises from this realization is compassion. The differences that divide can be washed away by a mere perception shift towards truth and away from the illusion that is mind-created. As Thich Nhat Hanh says, “We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” That which divides is illusion. In fact, the only thing that separates anyone from all of their divine qualities is an illusory thought and perspective. This is not a philosophy, but a truth that can be known only in one’s own direct, immediate experience. Deep inner journeys such as past life regression can help you remember not only the truth of yourself, but also offer a glimpse of the reality behind the trials of human life. What is the next level of evolution that your soul is nudging your personality to experience? Go within and find out.

An Eloquent Description of Experiences with Past Life

Changing Times

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the consciousness level of the planet rises, we can see evidence of this not only in the conflicts of the world, but also the fact that most people’s mental and emotional issues are beginning to surface….all for the sake of growth and evolution. Dr. David Schnarch, author of the book Passionate Marriage, puts it in a beautiful way: “Nature has an eloquent way of holding our happiness hostage, and the price for ransom is our own development.”

This shifting of consciousness is a time of re-evaluating past beliefs, old systems of doing things and out-dated modes of operation.  Everything from past authoritarian governments that rule with an iron fist, to our own personal beliefs, is challenged.

One belief to re-evaluate is how we react to uncomfortable emotions. It may seem that life is about avoiding the uncomfortable feelings, situations or emotions that arise. But this strategy back-fires because of the Law of Attraction. Life events happen that will trigger whatever thoughts, feelings and beliefs within you that no longer serve you. So the best way to move past an issue within you is to fully face it, feel it in your body, extract the gift of insight and wisdom that is contained within it, and release what no longer serves you from your body/mind system. This is how you can change yourself from within. It is then that we realize that the subconscious fears that have been governing our lives turn out to be paper tigers of pure imagination, and we can begin to operate in a manner that is freer and easier. The Present Life Emotional Healing session is an effective means to experience this.

Many times, a soul’s greatest work here on earth can be simply summarized as, “Stop believing the false mind programs.” It’s our egoic mind programs that hold us back or make us feel “less than” or not good enough. Probably the best thing about past life regression is that it connects you to the ‘you’ that is free and transcendent of the ego’s negative conditioning. The false programming that you were given doesn’t make any sense from the soul’s viewpoint, so it’s quite a respite to experience your true self without it. The unconscious mind programs that had been governing your life stick out and seem ridiculous. An awakened teacher, Neelam, once said, “First things first. First find out who and what you really are, and then see if your problem still makes any sense.”

Life Between Lives Session

A Life-Between-Lives Narrative

Reading Time: 11 minutes

Recently a client wrote up a descriptive narrative of his Life Between Lives experience. The following is an account of an advanced soul. I felt it would be interesting and beneficial for anyone interested in reading it. Enjoy.


Life Between Lives Session [1-29-2013]



What follows is a description of my LBL (Life Between Life) session with Eric Christopher.  Eric is a Board Certified Regression Therapist from the International Board for Regression Therapy and is a Certified Life-Between-Lives Therapist who trained with Dr. Michael Newton (Journey of Souls).  The session was nearly four hours long, so there is much to describe.  The following will depict what happened thematically, not necessarily in the order in which it was experienced.  And it will take the form of a narrative rather than a form including prompts and responses.  Many aspects of the experience had more nuance than I had the ability to express during the experience.  Therefore, I may add more description and texture to this narrative than I had originally expressed during the session.


I was first directed to regress to a past life that would be beneficial for me to view (not necessarily the last life I lived).  I quickly was drawn to a piece of heavy orange cloth.  I immediately recognized it as the saffron colored robe of a Buddhist monk.  (It will not come as a surprise to those who know me at all that I would be drawn to a such a  life.)  The scene expanded until I saw myself as a young monk wearing saffron orange robes standing in front of a temple.

Then I jumped back to my childhood where, as a young child, I had been identified by a couple of elder monks as some sort of special incarnation.  As such, I was relinquished by my mother to the monastery where I was raised by monks and given special spiritual training.  My mother was both very proud and very sad when they took me away to the monastery.  I lived a very happy life at the monastery.  Many different monks were involved in my training and education.  Each had specialties that he taught me.  I learned quickly and was adept at many spiritual things.  I was able to astral project at will, and had powers to do such things as raise large boulders with my will.  I had many other powers.  Eventually, I grew older and my robes switched from saffron to the ochre color worn by certain senior monks.  The sheer joy of having such powers eventually gave way to serious responsibility.  I needed to deal with the needs and demands of all the monks around me.  After many years of apprenticeship and spiritual adventure, there were many years of responsibility.


This life comes to an end during a siege of the monastic temple.  A very small group of senior monks (including me) stood in our ochre robes in front of a semicircle of a large group (100 or more) saffron robed monks preparing for an attack by an army.  As monks who live by a spiritual code, we were allowed to fully defend ourselves, but we could not take the offensive on the soldiers who are attacking the temple.  They have cannons.  We have spiritual powers to blunt the force of the canons.  I know when I am standing in front of the monks that I will die in this battle.  I am looking forward to the adventure of death.  Our group of senior monks had set up a strategy to use our energetic powers to neutralize the attacking army as much as we can.  We were organizing the other monks to carry out this strategy.  The soldiers end up destroying part of the temple, but the spiritual power of the monks is successful in neutralizing much of their destructive force.  In the end, the army retreats because it becomes apparent that it cannot win the battle outright.  It’s a stalemate.

As I expected, I am mortally wounded in the battle.  Many monks gather around me and try to use their powers to keep me alive, but it is my time to die.  Again, I am looking forward to it.  The ochre robed elders will miss me, but that is tempered for them because they understand life and death.  One young saffron robed monk standing near me is distraught by my death.  My spirit goes up behind him, and I touch his shoulder.  He is aware of this.  It both reassures him and makes him miss me more.  But it helps him understand that death is not the end.  I quickly shoot up above the scene into the heavens and leave it behind.

Off To LBL Land
After my death, no tunnel or guides showed up.  I rose up into the sky and then flew like a light beam though the cosmos for what seemed like a considerable time.  I flew through something like a meteor shower that acted as a cleansing process.  Then I began to descend, gaining density as I did.  I felt as if I were falling between two haystacks, or more precisely, two feather-stacks.  Eventually I became aware of my spirit group.  I was finally standing still but was separated from other spirits by something like a gauze curtain.  One of them stuck something like a shepherd’s hook through the gauze substance and pulled me into their space.  I found myself standing with three other Buddhist monks.  There is an immediate transference of some memory.  The four of us comprised our soul group.  We were all very happy to be back together.

I needed to heal and rejuvenate my spirit in a small domed area set aside for that.  “Cells” were repaired and memory was returned.  My energy level accelerated, and the robes I was wearing disappeared.  After the healing, I felt more coherent and present, and I was reunited with my group.  At this point, we have all lost our bodies and our genders.  All four of us are light forms.  I am relieved about the genders because the idea that all four of us were male had initially disturbed me for some reason.  There was a sense that identification with either sex limits the vibrational level.  My group of four looked like pillars of white light streaked with purple.  We weren’t solid beams.  We looked more like a large number of thin light beams bundled together to make a single form.  It struck me that we looked rather like Star Trek characters being beamed somewhere.


At this point, we took some time as a group to explore my last lifetime.  We sat together on a marble floor under a dome built to enhance energy as we talked about the foibles of our past lives.  There was great kindness and much humor involved in the reviews.  There was a spirit equivalent of belly-laughing when we examined the fact that I had taken my monk spiritual powers so seriously.  The powers that felt so marvelous as a human were largely inconsequential as a spirit.


Then the discussion got more serious.  My group pointed out that I had missed something in this life by not having grown up in a family and that the primary accomplishment of my lifetime was in showing much kindness to others.  The group showed how the acts of kindness were passed on to yet others and formed an outward wave.  There was tenderness in their recall of the small kindnesses as well as the sense of humility with which they had been performed.  It was obvious that these seemingly insignificant acts of kindness are a important gauge as to the value of one’s incarnation.


There were some unspoken requirements as to what qualifies as “kindness”.  Kindness requires a certain intent.  It can’t be done for any sort of gain, even the most subtle kind.  One can’t expect any recognition or gratitude or reward.  If it is done for any of those reasons, it does counts as better than poor behavior, but it doesn’t count as selfless kindness.  Expressions of gratitude or reward can accepted with humility as long as there was no expectation or hope of receiving it.  Any such expressions need to be acknowledged and quickly dropped lest they take on a life of their own.  Especially, there can’t be any sense of pride connected with the act.  We aren’t “better” because we perform acts of kindness.  Acts of kindness need to be performed simply because one has the opportunity to perform them.  The act has to be released like a little bird being given its freedom.  The bird might fly back and might not, but it needs to be released with the expectation that it will fly away.


Finally, I had an interesting sense of one other aspect of this issue.  What seems to be really at work with this kindness issue is that it functions as an exchange of Oneness.  The acts of kindness described here could be called selfless acts.  And, in a very real sense, that is what they are.  It is the One interacting directly with the One without any contamination or dilution by the self.  It is through such acts that the One comes to recognize itself in Other.  So in a sense, selfless acts of kindness are a type of sacrament.  And that is why they are so treasured in the LBL region.


LBL Levels
I was able to explore a couple of things relating to LBL Land.  First there is the concept of spiritual levels.  It seems that while in a sense there are levels, such a concept is really a human construct.  I got the sense that what we are really talking about in this realm is “densities” and their relationship with experience.  Newer souls (which I called “Newbies” during the session) seemed to have a denser vibration.  The more incarnations a soul experiences, the less density it has.  In human experience, dense things tend to be heavier and lower than less dense things because of gravity.


So while we tend to express these concepts in human language, we start using terms that are helpful in a sense but lead to human buckets that begin to lose accuracy.  So we can talk about new souls, older souls, and advanced souls.  However, what we are really talking about is souls with few incarnations and much density, souls with more incarnations and less density, and souls with many incarnations with just enough density to hold them together.  However, density here does not mean lower because we are not dealing with gravity.


A sense of hierarchy does not seem to exist in this realm.  A sense of varying density does.  I experienced walking among a large group of newbies and realizing they were mostly unaware of my presence.  The newbies were all dressed in white togas with dark blue trim worn proudly, like fraternity jackets.  Then, as I walked among souls that had a moderate number of incarnations, they were more likely to be aware of me.  It was apparent that incarnations were the key to what I was seeing.  However, at the same time, I was aware that not all beings in the LBL  realm incarnated.  I felt but did not deal with them.


There was a sense that newbie teachers have their hands full.  Yet, that said, no one “looks down on” newbies.  Instead they are observed with more of a watchful curiosity.  Every soul watching was a newbie at one point.  None ever forget that.  So every soul does what it can with great gentleness, patience, and support.  The spirit world is an incredibly patient place.  While it is difficult for advanced souls to interact with newbies due to vibrational differences, their very presence is transformative for them.


Life Reviews
I had a glimpse into two incidents where I was involved in the life review of other souls.  One was the review of a kind of intermediate density soul who had just returned from a very difficult life.  In this review, I sat behind a bench on a raised dais (like a judges’ bench) looking down at the returned soul.  From the returned soul’s perspective, the review must seem quite daunting.  Certainly there is some parallel with human court rooms where a conscious attempt is made to ensure that the plaintiff feels the full impact of the court’s authority.  Yet the sense from the souls on the judges’ bench is one of role playing to ensure that the returned soul reaps the rewards of some hard learned lessons.


In the review in which I participated, souls from different levels are represented and each had specific roles to play.  One judge to my left pretended to be tougher than he actually was because that is what was called for to make a necessary impression.  Others balance this impression.  Kind of good cop / bad cop.  This soul being reviewed had been badly abused as a prisoner, but he had shown much kindness to others in the midst of his misery.  He proud to have made great progress in this life.


Then I was part of another life review with a soul from my level.  No bench is evident in this review.  We sat on the floor with this soul and just talked.  This soul wasn’t required to incarnate but lived a life just to remember what incarnations were about.  There was no judgment with this soul, just different things being pointed out.  This soul returned with the realization of how easy it is to get caught up in thinking life is all there is and developed great empathy for how seductive incarnations can be.  This soul was very, very relieved to be back.


ETs Etc.

There was some exploration of my connection to and my lives in non-human incarnations.  This part of the regression is a bit “fuzzy” compared to the rest of the session.  While some of these images seemed quite vivid at the time, they seem faded and disconnected in retrospect.  The lack of memory of this material is very curious to me.


The exploration of ET existences included previews of future lives.  There was some bouncing around between different lives with intervening times back in LBL land.  I had the sense of going to school and then coming home. The energy involved felt wonderful.


There was a stream of other visions.  I saw one lifetime as a humanoid ET in subtle type of uniform.   It felt like a very peaceful life.  I saw a time living in a city that floated in the air above the surface of a planet.  I felt my energy divided between that world and ET world at same time.
I saw myself in communication with a mantis being.  In ET folklore, the mantis beings are at the top of the hierarchy and are described in terms of wise elders to whom all other beings in the universe defer.  I have read as well that they are credited with having something to do with the creation of the universe itself.  I sensed it was an honor to be allowed to talk with this being. I felt humbled and felt some sort of bond between us as well.  I got the sense from this being that a spiritual shift is coming and that this shift will help movement to the One.


Again, this material was less coherence in retrospect, so it is difficult to draw any broader sense of meaning.

So …
I explored several questions that I had prepared ahead of time.  My primary question had to do with my main purpose in this life.  I long felt that I had a special purpose in life, a special job to perform. This feeling was accompanied with a feeling that I had “volunteered” to live this life at this time.  I wanted to know if I have lived my life on target, or have I wasted my time?  Looking back over my life, it feels like I’ve accomplished a lot of the things that don’t make any difference on the other side and have not accomplished much else.


What I found here was similar to what I found in reviewing the past life as a monk.  In that life flashy spiritual powers weren’t considered a primary accomplishment.  In this life, my purpose seems to have been connected to helping Earth and humans to transform into a new era.  As such my energy as a being was more important than what I actually do.  My job, it seems, was simply to BE.  My sense was that beings with the right kind of energy have been placed all around the earth (in the same way that David Wilcock talks about cathedrals & pyramids and such being placed at energetic points) to help change the earth’s vibration.


I had the sense that one other from my soul group incarnated in this same general area where I reside, and the other two live in a distant location.  The job of the four of us is to BE and to balance energies.  I felt my brother is a part of my original soul group from which my current group had split off earlier.


More on LBL Levels

I had requested during the session that I be allowed to explore LBL land in respect to animal spirits.  When prompted to seek out animals. I quickly dropped down a few levels (i.e., increased my density) to find dogs.  Not far beneath newbie humans, I found a huge field of dogs.  I felt great harmony among the dogs.
I then looked for dolphins and found them (interestingly) just above newbie humans. They were filled with graciousness.  I sensed that they come to Earth to help change the planet’s energy.  Dolphins and whales apparently have a stunning effect on the energy of oceans.


I saw more levels and sensed that everything is layered, yet it isn’t not layered “sequentially” (whatever that means).  Again human/earth concepts get in the way of understanding.  In LBL land, we can go down layers to help.  We cannot go up, presumably because there is nothing to offer a level above where we are located.

Future of Earth
I was directed to see if I could ascertain the future of planet Earth.  I’m not sure about what I saw because it corresponded to assumptions I already had.  Either my assumption affected what I saw, or my assumptions are affected by what I already know on some level.  Take your pick.


I generally saw calamity.  As a result, the habitable space on the planet is reformed.  Earth has a significantly smaller population.  Newbie souls are tending to incarnate elsewhere.  A different soul pipeline is now connected to Earth.  Earth humans, more intelligent about their spirituality, are able to coexist naturally with animals.  Animals, in turn, have intense awareness of interconnectedness with humans and spirit world.



The End

How to Love Yourself

How to Love Yourself

Reading Time: 3 minutes

One day when I was leading a group, someone shared that their goal was to learn to love themselves, but felt it was an impossible task. Others agreed with this statement. Most of them were either bombarded with an endless barrage of negative self-talk, or they felt strong guilt from some past actions. I offered that the easiest way to love yourself is to really know your yourself…to realize that you aren’t who you think you are. The ‘you’ that you have a hard time loving isn’t really ‘you’. You are not your programming and conditioning. Negative thoughts about self come from somewhere, they all have a beginning point in an event or circumstance – you’re not born with these thoughts, unless there’s a past life influence, but even then they began at some point in that past life or the one before, etc. Sometimes the programming can be subtly and unconsciously passed down through the generations, with parents influencing their children based on how they were raised, how love or anger was communicated or not communicated.

Just like you can open the hood of a car to explore how it’s wired and how it works, you can engage in deep self-reflection to see how your programming and conditioning began. An effective way to do this exploration is to go within to access a higher state of awareness. For example, if you have a strong feeling of guilt because of a past action, you could imagine floating above that scene and investigate what was going through your mind at the time. Perhaps you did something regretful because at the time you thought you were gaining or getting something from it, given the mindset that you had of yourself and the world at that time. The only purpose of guilt is to point to what you could do differently next time, and in that moment of awareness you are doing precisely what your highest purpose in life is…to learn, grow, evolve and awaken. The primary way humans learn is by making mistakes. So from the viewpoint of your soul, mistakes are only seen as an opportunity to grow, and in that moment of seeing, your soul is happy. The highest part of you is timeless and guiltless; it doesn’t care how long it takes to get a lesson. Just as you can tinker with a machine to make it run more smoothly, we can be aware of the amazing impact we would have on ourselves and the world if we released the negative thought programs that govern our life and replace them with clarity, confidence, creative potential and freedom – all qualities of our truest self. We’re not here to berate ourselves, or remain stuck and recoiled in fear and guilt, living from a false sense of self. We’re here to challenge ourselves to shine and thrive, to learn to live from our potential, and to experience that the joy of doing so feels better, freer and “more real”.

You are the infinite being that can be aware of a passing mood or thought, and investigate where beliefs originated. There’s a part of you that can be aware of your thoughts. Who or what is this ‘I’ that can say ‘I’ feel happy, and then can notice ‘I’ feel sad 10 minutes later? Thoughts, moods and beliefs can come and go, but the more permanent ‘real’ you is the constant, unchanging awareness, forever anchored in the here and now, that can notice the mind’s ever-changing moods and thought patterns, like watching sticks or debris washing down a stream. The awakened sage, Eckhart Tolle, says the next step in human evolution is to become aware of our thoughts, thus creating a gulf between ‘us’ and our thought patterns. Therein lies the difference between suffering and liberation. It depends on where we place our identity…the ever-changing mind or the mysterious, expansive, boundless awareness that can witness it.


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What is Hypnosis?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

‘Hypnosis’ is perhaps one the most misunderstood words that exists. It is actually the opposite of what most people think, which is often derived from stage hypnotists and movies. The two main myths are: 1) you are not in control; 2) you are not awake and aware. No matter how deep you go in hypnosis, you will be in control and you will always be wide awake and aware. For example, when you are swept up in the drama of a film in a movie theater, you are actually in a fairly deep state of hypnosis. In an engaging movie, you are very focused on the story that is unfolding on the screen to the point that you barely notice the people eating popcorn near you. But of course you’re not asleep…you know that if you wanted, you could get up at anytime and buy popcorn or use the bathroom. The same is true with any form of hypnotherapy – even at the deepest point of the session — if you wanted to, you could open your eyes and declare that you want to use the bathroom, or write something down, etc. It’s just a different level of consciousness that you’re accessing.

Hypnosis is a relaxation of the body and mind, together with a focusing of the mind. A definition of hypnosis is “a bypass of the analytical and critical thinking factor of our minds.” To apply this to the movie example, it’s when we don’t continually tell ourselves during the film: “what’s happening on that screen is not real, it’s only light images from a projection booth, and besides, those people on the screen are only acting, none of this is real, etc…”. If we continually focused on those facts, we could not let go and enjoy the movie. We go into varying states of hypnosis every day, such as when you are driving down a road while being lost in a daydream. Therefore, anyone can and has been hypnotized.

It’s important to know that all hypnosis is really self-hypnosis. I don’t actually hypnotize you – you hypnotize yourself using my suggestions and your imagination. Therefore, you can allow yourself to go into as deep of a hypnotic experience as you want to be, and you’ll always be awake and aware, knowing that you’re in the chair. During the experience, you may hear a car going by, or a dog barking outside, but none of that disturbs you as you continually focus inward.

The power of hypnotherapy is that we can use it to access and change the subconscious thought patterns that govern our lives. When we dream at night, sometimes those dreams are filled with metaphors that mirror the issues that are going on with us, whether we are aware of them or not. Who gives us these dreams? No one else does, yet we don’t consciously give it to ourselves. It comes from an unconscious, very wise part of us. Using hypnotherapy, we can easily access the same part of us that gives us our dreams, yet the difference is that we are awake and aware during the process. It is a very effective tool in healing because we can access and heal the emotional core of our anxieties or any stuck, limiting pattern where the root of the problem lies – the subconscious mind.

With spiritual hypnotherapy we can also access information from other lives that our eternal soul has lived, simply because we cannot separate ourselves from our indestructible soul self which exists outside of time and space. As we quiet our thinking mind and go deep within, we can tune into our “more permanent”, eternal aspect of ourselves.