Tag Archive for: The Michael Newton Institute

Newton book authors 2024

Finding Purpose: Stories of the Afterlife that Inspire

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The most inspirational, life-changing book I ever read was Dr. Michael Newton’s book, Journey of Souls. I read it in my late 20’s when I was in a life period of spiritual exploration, growth, awakening, as well as feeling a bit lost and wondering what to do with my life. The book offered me clear direction as I felt a deep calling to train with Dr. Newton in order to do the sacred work that he was doing of helping people connect to the divine, inner wisdom within themselves. The book cemented in an understanding that we are all eternal beings having a human experience for the purpose of growing, learning, evolving and awakening to who and what we truly are behind the scenes of our human earth suit. Newton’s research uncovered what every spiritual awakened teacher has discovered…that life on earth is like an amazing “slight-of-hand” card trick that obscures our more permanent Self as we live with the amnesia of our divinity and ultimate universal unity.

A training and research organization called The Michael Newton Institute formed around Newton’s work. As the organization has grown with more practitioners guiding clients to profound insightful and healing sessions, several books have been published with inspirational case studies from various Life Between Lives therapists within the organization. The latest book from The Michael Newton Institute is called Finding Purpose: Stories of the Afterlife that Inspire. I am proud and honored to have contributed a case study for the book. Below is some information about the book, and above is a photo of the all of the contributors from eight different countries throughout the world. The photo was taken at the MNI World Conference near Barcelona, Spain in early November, 2024.

Here is a description of the book:

Welcome to a unique tapestry of voices, a collection of stories woven together by The Michael Newton Institute’s Life Between Lives Facilitators. Each author brings their distinctive style and cultural background to the table, yet a common theme unites all: exploring the afterlife, referred to here as the Life Between Lives.

As you journey through these pages, you will encounter a rich variety of perspectives and experiences. Topics range from Freedom and Free Will, Learning Through Relationships, Understanding Loss and Grief, Healing, Connection (community and oneness), Guides and Advanced Beings, Divine Guidance, to Healing the Earth.

Some stories may challenge you, while others may comfort and reassure you, but all are intended to inspire and provoke deep thought. The diversity of the authors’ voices reflects the multifaceted nature of spirituality-how it transcends boundaries and resonates within us in unique ways.

Each author has poured their heart and soul into their writing, offering insights and reflections based on their practices and experiences. Their stories remind us that, despite our differences, we are all connected by the universal quest for purpose, understanding, higher perspectives, and expanded consciousness.

Through the storyteller ́s words, you will discover new ways of viewing the world and perhaps new ways of seeing yourself. We hope this collection serves as a mirror, reflecting your quest for meaning and the many paths that can lead to a life filled with purpose, self-actualization, and soul growth.

May these stories ignite your spirit, encourage your heart, and guide you toward richer understanding and heightened awareness, thus embracing your soul’s journey.

Thank you for joining us on this transformative and purposeful adventure.

Available on Amazon:

new book release — Wisdom of Souls

Reading Time: 2 minutes

24 years ago I read the book Journey of Souls by Michael Newton and it changed my life. It propelled me into doing the work that I do now. Journey of Souls is a must read for anyone beginning the personal and spiritual path of healing, evolving and awakening into a higher level of conscious awareness.

Because so many therapists like myself were amazed at how people could find peace, clarity, wisdom and deep healing from an inner journey within, the Newton Institute was established as a way for practitioners to learn and apply the spiritual regression techniques that Michael Newton mastered.

The Newton Institute has now released a new book called Wisdom of Souls, a book of fascinating case studies of healing and insight using past life regression and Life-Between-Lives spiritual hypnotherapy from practitioners of the Newton Institute. I share a couple of case studies in this book. If you were fascinated by Journey of Souls, then this new book won’t disappoint.

Here’s the press release for Wisdom of Souls coming out on December 8, 2019 by Llewellyn Publishing in St. Paul.

Explore Fascinating Case Studies from The Newton Institute
ST. PAUL, MINN — Following in the footsteps of Dr. Michael
Newton’s bestselling books Journey of Souls and Destiny of
Souls, this book shares awe-inspiring stories of healing and
wisdom experienced by real people just like you. Within these
pages, you’ll discover what it’s like to take an astral journey to
the realm of spirit, where loving guides and higher beings of light
await to provide instruction and warm encouragement. No matter
what kinds of issues you’re struggling with in your life, you will
be able to relate to the powerful wisdom that is shared in these
case studies. Written by members of the Michael Newton Institute
for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy, these fascinating stories
provide profound spiritual insights and lessons that will help you
release past traumas and connect to your own inner wisdom.
Llewellyn’s Life Between Lives books, written by the late Dr. Michael
Newton and members of the Newton Institute, have sold more than a
million copies worldwide.

Inspiring stories focus specifically on exploring life between lives, to gain
a new perspective on relationships, family conflict, career and financial
difficulties, anxiety and depression, health issues, phobias, and more,
offering wise spiritual advice for healing.

Wisdom of Souls
Case Studies of Life Between Lives
from the Michael Newton Institute
The Newton Institute
Trade Paper
US $18.99 |CAN $26.99
ISBN: 978-0-7387-5834-3
288 Pages
US Release December 2019
UK/Canada January 2020

THE NEWTON INSTITUTE (USA) was established in 2005 by bestselling author Michael Newton. As the foremost organization for life between lives studies, the Institute includes members in forty countries and conducts its popular Life Between Life training seminars to enthusiastic professional audiences around the world. Wisdom of Souls has been written by prominent members of the Institute’s research committee: Dr. Ann Clark, Karen Joy, Dr. Joanne Selinske, and Marilyn Hargreaves. Learn more at www.NewtonInstitute.org.