Tag Archive for: past life regression

Accessing Your Higher Guidance With Past Life Regression

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Past Life Regression would probably be better understood if we changed the name to “Higher Self Therapy” because as you go within, the process consistently gives you precisely what you need to help you move forward in the way that you most need, especially if you ask for it.  The following case study is a perfect example of how past life regression can work. The name of my client is changed.

Mary, a woman nearing 60, had tears in her eyes as we talked about the passing of her mother just prior to her past life regression. “I just need to know if my mom really loved me,” she cried. Although she may have intellectually understood that her mother probably loved her, there were no words that could reassure her at a deeper level because her subconscious mind didn’t fully believe it because of a hurtful growing up experience of feeling rejected and neglected. Fortunately, past life regression connects a person to their higher self, and this part of her knew exactly what she needed in the session.

Mary saw a past life of a happily married, wealthy woman with several children. “Home feels good…there’s nothing to want for.” But a few years later, her 9-year old daughter suddenly died. She was too grief-stricken to nurture her other children. “It feels like part of me is gone…the other children need me but I can’t be there all the way. I never got over the loss of my daughter.” In the soul realm after the past life was over, she said, “I couldn’t give my children what they needed…the love was there but couldn’t be expressed.” Then the insight began to sink in that Mary’s mother in this life was carrying so much pain from her own past that she couldn’t express the love for her children that had always been there underneath the many stressors of her life.

A week after the session Mary wrote, “It’s the most unusual thing, as a result of my past life regression, I know my mother loves me. It always felt that she didn’t love me because I thought she saw something in me that was not lovable, not worthy of love…I was given a gift from my higher self. It’s a gift of knowing I was loved by my mom. Up until now, I was unable to “know” this deep down. Knowing is the only word I can think of to use, yet it doesn’t feel like the same knowing as in everyday terms. I am so grateful. This is a gift more valuable than any gift.”

Past life regression is an effective means to help you understand and know at a deep core level the truth of your value and worth, as well as helping you to become more acutely aware of the love within a family that is always there beneath the hurts and misunderstandings. This is because the process bypasses the intellectual mind and trumps the subconscious mind’s beliefs of unworthiness which are based in life’s hurtful experiences. The process connects you to a higher soul dimension of yourself that not only is based in love, but can also see through the subconscious mind’s programming and conditioning from the earth life. You begin to understand and experience your wholeness and completeness beneath the ego mind’s negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs that arise as the result of early challenging circumstances in earth life.

Introducing The Collective

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the past 16 years of facilitating past life regressions, I’ve experienced many fascinating cases, far too many to count. However, there are a few sessions that continue to stand out. Two years ago, a woman named Kelly came to do a past life regression. Even though it was very strange and new territory for her, she felt intuitively drawn to experience a past life regression. Recently, she encouraged me to share her story because of the far-reaching impact of that session.

Her journey began during the part of the session when the past life is over and the soul goes into the soul realm. Kelly began speaking in a male voice. This voice imparted wisdom and information about the many changes happening on our planet today. When the session was over, I told Kelly, “You were channeling.”

She replied, “What’s that?” Metaphysics was new to her. In fact, she had only recently been a committed Christian teaching adult bible study in a local church. Curious, she began to study some well known people who channel spiritual beings, such as Lee Carroll, Ester Hicks and Jane Roberts.

Not long after the session, Kelly and her husband Rick travelled to Sedona. While there, on three separate occasions, each psychic told her pretty much the same thing: “Do you know that you are a channel for a collective of star nations?” After the third time she heard that, Kelly, still a bit skeptical, said, “I need some confirmation of that.” The third psychic said that she would soon receive that confirmation on her way home.

Driving to the airport, Kelly was startled to see a UFO in front of their car keeping pace with them. She screamed, “Rick! Do you see that UFO?” He could not. She witnessed several UFO’s the next few days near her home in Wisconsin while no one else could. She was concerned she might be going a bit crazy until two weeks later when Rick also began seeing them. In fact, they would sit outside on their lawn chairs together and watch UFO’s, noticing that no one else could see them.

Even though Kelly continued to receive messages from the discarnate beings wanting to speak through her, she still felt uncomfortable, as anyone would. She wanted to see them and talk with them directly to get further proof before she agreed to channel their messages. They suggested that she come to see me again for a Life-Between-Lives session. That was just over a year ago. At that session, Kelly not only saw them but communicated with them directly, receiving the confirmation she was looking for. During that session, the beings (whom Kelly named The Collective) began talking to me. They told me I would soon speak to various organizations. I thought to myself, “That would be nice since it’s been over two years since I spoke to a group.” Within two weeks, I had invitations to speak to four different organizations.

After that confirmation, I became more interested in the wisdom and advice The Collective wants to share with humanity as we go through the many transformative changes on this planet. One of the messages they share is that we need to raise our vibration by identifying ourselves as the divine beings we are rather than believing any thoughts of “not good enough” from our human experience.

Since Kelly’s last session on July 3, 2017, she has begun channeling messages from The Collective regularly. She and Rick have made several trips to the Twin Cities from their home in Appleton, Wisconsin to channel The Collective’s messages for interested groups, the next one being September 15th at the DoubleTree in Minneapolis. The messages have been mind-expansive, providing a clearer view of a larger reality beyond this physical realm of earth. The Collective can also answer any question you may have regarding earth changes, the spirit realm, personal issues, or anything you can think of. They describe themselves as a collection of beings from the 5th dimension to the twelfth and beyond, some of them arch-angels.

The consciousness expansion that comes once you embark on the spiritual path never ends. Not only do you accumulate more wisdom, but also many experiences that often lie beyond your previous belief system.

For more information about Kelly’s channeled messages, visit KellyThebo.com. And a favorite message of mine from The Collective is called, “Relationships – Why Are They So Challenging?

Going Within to Get Precisely What You Need

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the themes of my work is: “As you go within, you get what you need”…especially to the degree that you are wanting, needing and asking for it. This happens because the wiser soul part of you already has what the ego mind personality is looking for. And one could say that it is “more true” that you are that wise soul self more than you are the ego body/mind system, because one aspect of you lives on, the other doesn’t.

I’m sharing a case study that perfectly exemplifies “going within to get what you need”. I changed the client’s name for confidentiality.

Cynthia, a woman nearing 60, had tears in her eyes as we talked about the passing of her mother just prior to her past life regression. “I just need to know if my mom really loved me,” she cried. Although she may have intellectually understood that her mother probably loved her, there were no words that could reassure her at a deeper level because her subconscious mind didn’t fully believe it because of a hurtful growing up experience of feeling rejected and neglected. Fortunately, past life regression connects a person to their Higher Self, and this part of her knew exactly what she needed in the session.

Cynthia saw a past life of a happily married, wealthy woman with several children. “Home feels good…there’s nothing to want for.” But a few years later, her 9-year old daughter suddenly died. She was too grief-stricken to nurture her other children. “It feels like part of me is gone…the other children need me, but I can’t be there all the way. I never got over the loss of my daughter.” In the soul realm she said, “I couldn’t give my children what they needed…the love was there but couldn’t be expressed.” Then the insight began to sink in that Mary’s mother in this life was carrying so much pain from her own past that she couldn’t express the love for her children that had always been there underneath the many stressors of her life.

A week after the session Cynthia wrote, “It’s the most unusual thing, as a result of my past life regression, I know my mother loves me. It always felt that she didn’t love me because I thought she saw something in me that was not lovable, not worthy of love…I was given a gift from my Higher Self. It’s a gift of knowing I was loved by my mom. I was unable to “know” this deep down. “Knowing” is the only word I can think of to use, yet it doesn’t feel like the same knowing as in everyday terms. I am so grateful. This is a gift more valuable than any gift.”

Past life regression is an effective means to help you understand and know beyond a doubt at a deep, core level the truth of your value and worth. It also allows you to become more acutely aware of the love within a family that is always there beneath the hurts, misunderstandings and lack of communication. This is because the process bypasses the intellectual mind and trumps the subconscious mind’s beliefs of unworthiness which are based in life’s hurtful experiences. The process connects you to a higher vibration soul dimension of yourself that not only is based in love, but can also see through the subconscious mind’s programming and conditioning from the earth life.

Q & A Interview with the Edge Magazine

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I was featured in the March 2018 edition of the Edge Magazine. I’d like to share it with you to give you some background about how I became interested in hypnotherapy. This interview shares details about my work and also who I am as a person.

The article also gives me a chance to highlight the Edge Magazine and the valuable role it has played in my life. It’s a metaphysical magazine that has helped me grow and evolve over the past 25 years. It offers consciousness-expanding interviews and articles of practitioners on the forefront of healing and spiritually awakening.

Please enjoy the Q & A interview here!


Uncovering the Source of a Mother’s Fear

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I’m sharing an example of a past life regression session because it demonstrates how this modality can be very healing on multiple levels. Past life regression often has a “trickle down” effect of alleviating all kinds of subtle fears, even ones that you cannot pinpoint and articulate because your Higher Self knows precisely what you need to grow and move forward more than your conscious mind does.

A young mother (I’ll call her Beth) came in for past life regression therapy to deal with anxiety, depression and some anger. When her 1½ year old son cried, especially at night, she would get chest tightening fears about being a bad mother and not doing a good job.

She regressed to a life as a male military officer who gave orders that resulted in the death of many soldiers. As a decorated officer, he visited the families of some men who had died in battle, and felt guilty and responsible for the grief and struggle that he caused in these fatherless homes. Here are Beth’s words from the session: “As I grow old I become mean and grumpy because I ruined so many people’s lives under my orders, and bitter because I had no choice. I don’t talk about it. I think a lot about Jesus and I hope I go to heaven. I didn’t treat my wife well until I started to die.”

The soul stayed around until after the funeral because it was only after death that he was finally able to take in the love that people had for him. Here are some of the reflections from the vantage point of the soul: “People are proud of those medals, but I had to do a lot of bad stuff to get them. I wanted to let them love me in that life, but I thought if they knew what I did, they wouldn’t have loved me. I can take in that love now and it feels so good. I can be at peace….Time to go….If I come back I want to make a happy home.”

In the soul realm, the soul apologized to the souls of the families who were affected by his orders. We can do this because everyone and everything is ultimately interconnected – especially where there are unresolved issues between beings. But as so often happens in that realm, a knowing response came back that apologies are unnecessary since everyone was blindly role-playing on earth, and everything ultimately turns out fine in the end. Human struggles become opportunities for soul growth. We then could easily release the unresolved thought-form energy of guilt, anger and fear from the heart that the military officer died with and thus got carried over into this incarnation, resulting in Beth’s chest-tightening fears when her baby cried. She then got back warm, bright love…the natural replacement. This resulted in a higher vibration, and then insights began to drop in: “I need to be with my son from love, not fear. It’s ok to have feelings and feel frustrated at times, it doesn’t mean I’m a bad mother. I know I’m a good mother. It’s safe to be myself and be the loving, great mother that I am.” We then let her body fully feel that truth at the cellular level which allowed it to sink deeper in her subconscious mind.

Six weeks later, Beth wrote this: “The session was a big help to me. I felt better right away regarding my son and his crying at night. As the weeks went by, I slowly started feeling less anxious on deeper levels. Not sure how to explain it, but it was just a sense that this life is just one life among many. I knew that before, but after the session for some reason it took a lot of the anxiety away from my everyday life.”

Sometimes we can understand things intellectually, but it doesn’t resonate until we really know it at a deeper “body” level. Beth believed intellectually that her present life as a mother was one of many lives, but towards the end of the session, she was able to feel and experience her “eternalness” while steeped in the freedom, peace and clarity of her soul self. The immortality of her true self “upgraded” from a belief to an inner knowing, thus integrating more deeply into the body/subconscious mind. Then she could more easily feel and live from the truth of her soul instead of conditioned fear-based beliefs.

The feelings of deep inner assurance are within all of us. In fact, we can’t escape them because they are an aspect of who and what we are as a soul, but they do get covered up in this human experience. What I’ve noticed over the years is that for some people, the wisdom and insights of the soul can easily sink in deeply after only one session, while others may need another “reinforcement” session or two, depending on their essence. Whether a person experiences a past life regression, a Life-Between-Lives or an Emotional Healing and Awakening session, each one or a combination of them will deepen and strengthen the integration of the soul’s perspective. This in turn can loosen and heal life-long mental and emotional patterns that hold one back in life and thus bolster one’s identity as a multi-dimensional being.

Past Life Regression: An Effective Tool to Expand Consciousness

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A few months ago, the Edge Magazine was looking for articles on the topic “Expanding Consciousness.” I immediately began writing about past life regression, almost as if I had no choice, because what many people don’t realize is that past life regression is a process that does exactly that…it automatically brings you to a higher level of awareness. This happens towards the end of the session when you are resting in the higher dimension of the soul level, and tuning into a higher aspect of yourself. I’m sharing that article here. Please enjoy!

How can you effortlessly get to a level of awareness that makes your everyday waking consciousness, the one you’re at right now as you read this, feel like you are asleep? You may want to explore taking a trip deep within your own multi-dimensional self.

Past life regression offers a systematic way to do this, thus enabling you to experience what it’s like to live from a higher level of consciousness. Let me share several reasons why it is an effective technique.

First, during the step-by-step method of the regression process itself, one’s continual stream of mind chatter becomes increasingly quiet, revealing the pure presence that lies beneath it. This awareness forms the backdrop to the logical, analytical mind.

Secondly, images of another life will begin to appear independent of the conscious mind. In fact, these impressions cannot appear if you are in “thinking mode,” only when you are anchored in the present moment, or in “feeling mode.”

This reveals a third aspect to past life regression: At this point in the process, you have set aside the body/mind identity of your present self and now take on a different body/mind personality. Regardless of whether these images are interpreted as a historical past life or a symbolic metaphor, the past life story that comes through you is from your higher mind, and it is precisely designed to help you move forward, heal and grow in some way.

The reason for this can be best summed up by the words of one of my client’s guides: “Just as the body’s instinct is to breathe, the soul’s instinct is to evolve.” Past life regression often shines a spotlight on any unconscious thoughts, emotional patterns or beliefs that unknowingly hold you back in life, and then allows you to experience what it will be like to be completely free of any programming or conditioning that limits you. It may also show you the source of a physical, mental or emotional ailment so you can release it from your body/mind system. Ultimately, it reveals to you what you most need in order to thrive in this life.

Here are some case examples: A client’s chronic migraine headaches disappeared after discovering and healing the source of them from a past life when she experienced the early years of electric shock therapy. Another client felt a huge weight of unresolved grief and sadness lift after discovering and healing a past life where she committed suicide. She had carried over the heavy feelings and beliefs of hopelessness that she died with over to this life, and it explained why her twin sister in this life had none of these same feelings.

Another woman came to a session feeling stuck and anxious around new relationships. Rather than seeing a challenging life, she saw herself as a servant who lived completely from her heart. She had such a strong, conscious connection to “God” in that life that even an abusive employer was humbled and shifted by her loving presence. She merged the energies of the past life with her present one and she later revealed that she was able to maintain a stronger awareness of her connection to Source and, thus, a higher level of consciousness after the session, with greatly diminished anxiety.

Past life regressions ultimately enable you to tune into your soul self. After the past life is over, clients are guided to move up into a higher dimension in which they “disidentify” from both their past and present lives, and view these lives from the expanded awareness of their higher self, free of all ego identifications. When ego identification is seen through and set aside, a natural love-based clarity and wisdom reveals itself to be who and what you really are.

One of my favorite quotes of Paramahansa Yogananda is, “When you heal yourself, you do your part in healing the world.” I’m beginning to really understand what he means. We, as humans, are interconnected like a gigantic tapestry. As our consciousness raises, our unresolved past may surface for the purpose of being healed. When we heal, we are no longer negatively triggered by others outside of us, and they, in turn, are no longer triggered by us. The ripple effect that emanates from us is harmonious and love-based, and that impacts those around us far more than we could ever know.

We have so much more of an effect on this world that we are aware of. So here’s to raising our consciousness!

“Stories of the Afterlife”….your Life Between Lives

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Twenty years ago, I read a book which transformed my life called Journey of Souls, by Dr. Michael Newton. I was transfixed, and as I read it, I finally knew deep down what I was meant to do with my life, which was to get training by Michael Newton before he retired, and then do the work I am doing now and probably will be doing for the rest of my life. If you have or have not heard of Michael Newton, I am sharing a short article written by Peter Smith, President of The Newton Institute since 2009. It explains the background of Dr. Newton and his monumental book as well as recent developments that have arisen from his research that people familiar with Newton’s work may be very interested in. Please enjoy Peter’s words:

“In recent years there has been a surge of interest emerging in regard to our existence beyond this body. The eternal questions of “What really happens when we die?”, “Where do we go to?”, and “What is my purpose for this lifetime?”, have been permeating our awareness for too many generations to count. Recent best sellers by Anita Moorjani, Dying To Be Me (Hay House, 2012) and Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven (Pan McMillan, 2012) have documented stunning stories of surviving their respective near death experiences (NDEs), and returning to inspire others about the afterlife.

Interest in reincarnation has never been higher, in fact even as far back as 2001, a Morgan Gallup poll in the USA showed 45% of respondents either believed in past lives or were open to it. Past life regression offered by a well-qualified professional is also becoming more common in the resolution of trauma. New articles about scientific research and experimentation about consciousness surviving beyond death, abound. What was once seen as fantasy, can now be the focus of a PhD.

But wait…
There is a field of work that has remained somewhat hidden from the public eye, though is in the process of emerging further into mainstream awareness. It not only answers the questions stated above, but transcends past life regression, taking clients into the expanded state outside the body, without the complexities, trauma on family and friends and the medical expenses of an NDE!

In 1968 in Los Angeles California, Dr. Michael Newton made a startling discovery during a therapeutic session when addressing a women’s battle with depression. As he moved to the source of her distress under deep hypnosis, he reunited his client with her soul family in her existence between incarnations. The field of “Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy” was born.

Over the next 35 years and 7000 clients, Dr. Newton made incredible discoveries as he patiently and meticulously mapped this spiritual realm that exists beyond time and space as we know it. He helped clients to discover the deep connection of unconditional love offered by our spiritual guides who help us through our lifetimes. He reconnected clients with their soul group, with whom we reincarnate regularly as we learn and grow together. Clients were able to meet with their “council”, an advanced group of beings who help us debrief our last lifetime and plan the next, including the one we are in right now. Ultimately he has shown through his life’s work that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. When we know life from that perspective we are forever changed. His best selling books that document his findings and the stories of his clients, Journey of Souls (Llewellyn Publishing 1994) and Destiny of Souls (Llewellyn Publishing 2001) have changed the lives of many thousands and have been translated into forty different languages.

These deep and profound life changing sessions are roughly 4 hours duration and preparation is key. When Dr. Newton retired, he placed his legacy to humanity in the hands of a group of highly trained professionals and founded The Newton Institute for Life Between Lives (LBL) Hypnotherapy. In 2009, Memories of the Afterlife was launched as a collective work from The Institute showcasing new stories from a global network of LBL Therapists, assembled by Dr. Newton himself. The life purpose of one man has now spread to many, who are now the custodians of his legacy. The Newton Institute has over 200 LBL Therapists, offering these profound experiences across 39 countries. While many draw on his work these days, this highly trained group are the only ones who carry his unique endorsement, earned through specific training, robust certification and a spiritual code of ethics. The first 7000 cases have now grown to a number over 30,000 as more people are inspired to rediscover their immortal identity to bring wisdom and inspiration to this lifetime.

Breaking News…
In late 2015, in response to global interest and demand for more inspiring case stories, TNI created Stories of the Afterlife. Through this online journal we are opening the doors to The Newton Institute to those who share our curiosity regarding existence beyond physical life. We have been gathering stories from around the globe across the 39 countries in which TNI members practice in order to foster individual spiritual development. The case stories that we highlight demonstrate how Life Between Lives® hypnotherapy offers transformational healing, awakening of our immortal identity and our connection to the greater Oneness.

You can find out more about our quarterly research journal, Stories of the Afterlife, so you too can be inspired by the things that inspire us, at www.NewtonInstitute.org. There you will find a link to the journal, including never before seen footage of Michael and the latest updates in this rapidly growing field of consciousness. We hope that through your own Life Between Lives® hypnotherapy session the truth and freedom of your own immortal identity unfolds. It is time for us to remember who we truly are.”

A Unique Approach to Heal Anxiety and Depression

Reading Time: 4 minutes

When we put the feelings of anxiety or depression under the microscope of hypnosis, we see that these intense, unwanted feelings are actually made up of subtle, fearful thoughts, such as “I’m not wanted,” “I’m not safe,” “I’m all alone” – thoughts that began somewhere in a past event or circumstance. As life moves forward, we naturally resist looking at these painful mental and emotional wounds. It feels better to avoid them, so we do what we can to bury them or push them aside.

People’s present state of being, and the decisions they make, usually are colored by the past. So when we’re dominated by anxiety or depression, that unwanted feeling is kept alive by subtly avoiding it or pushing it away. Paradoxically, these unwanted feelings can often be extinguished when we focus intently and directly on the emotional energy charge.

The following is a common example of how this process works. A woman came to me (I’ll call her Mary) arrived for a session plagued by anxiety that she had felt as long as she could remember. Although her anxiety had been managed somewhat by dealing with past abuse issues through traditional talk-therapy, there was still a lingering anxiety that was further triggered several years ago by experiencing extreme turbulence on an airplane. This event awakened a deep fear in her and was causing an increasing phobia of flying, which was problematic because she flies regularly.

But within our very anxieties and fears lie our keys and clues for healing.

The first step is to focus on the unwanted feeling and locate where in the body that energy charge is felt most intensely. In Mary’s case, she felt her anxiety in her chest. Even without a traditional relaxation hypnosis induction, she was already focused deeply enough to access the insights and images of her higher mind – the part of her that gives her symbolic dreams at night as she sleeps.

I asked her, “If that part of your body could speak, what would it say?”

She said, “I’m sad, alone and afraid.”

Now we had an emotion (anxiety), a somatic (feeling in the chest), and a mental thought (sad, alone, afraid) – the key ingredients to uncover the root of the issue and go directly to an underlying cause.

By letting her consciousness slide into the middle of the unwanted feeling in her chest and repeating the mental thought program of “I’m sad, alone and afraid,” it took her quickly and directly to a time where she felt this feeling before. Typically a person is taken to scenes in their present life, in which case we follow the steps for an Emotional Healing session. But in Mary’s case, she went to another life, and it became a Past Life Therapy session. In her mind’s eye, she saw images of a cold, damp, dirty alley in Europe. She was wandering homeless, alone and paranoid, with only the clothes on her back. We then went to the time where she first became homeless. She immediately had images of watching a burning house. She was feeling desperate and in shock, because her husband and children were trapped inside and died in the flames. With the deep shock of losing everything she knew and owned, she wandered the streets for years, simply existing and surviving in an emotional state of grief, fear and feeling totally alone. She died with these heavy, intense thoughts, and this thought-form energy residue was imprinted in her soul-essence – stuck in her physical, emotional and mental energy bodies, carried forward into this incarnation and awakened during the traumatic event of airplane turbulence in this life.

Once we went through the death scene of that life, she could rest in the high vibration of deep peace, love and security of the afterlife, and then consciously release the emotional and mental energy charges that had been carried in her soul essence that was attached to her present life body.

Afterward, she observed that the subtle, nagging anxiety was completely gone, she felt much lighter because she had dumped the heavy, fear-based thoughts and feelings. She commented that it was as if cobwebs had been cleared from her body and mind. Suddenly, many feelings and impulses in this life made complete sense. For instance, why crying children caused her to shudder, her deep empathy towards the homeless, and above all, the subtle grief, fear and aloneness that had lingered with her much of this life. A week later, she continued to note a large part of her anxiety was significantly released, yet attention was still needed on other aspects of her fears. Healing happens in layers, like peeling an onion.

Deep within the very anxieties and fears that we subtly resist lie the essential keys for releasing and healing those mental and emotional fears that prevent us from knowing our true soul nature of wholeness and completeness. We are always whole and complete, because we can never separate ourselves from our soul. The brilliant light of who we are simply gets covered up by mental and emotional “fear-dirt” from past experiences.

Various types of hypnosis can offer an efficient means by which people can become their own detective and release all fear-based problems through insight and wisdom. Whether we do past life regression or a present-life Emotional Healing session, a person will get a very clear sense of what it looks like and feels like to allow their life to be an expression of the part of themselves which is already whole and free.

Lessons Learned from 3,000 Regressions

Reading Time: 2 minutes

After guiding 3,000+ past life regressions over the past 15 years, I’ve noticed three common themes or soul lessons that often emerge during the latter part of the session when the earth life is over and is being reviewed from the vantage point of the soul. There is such wisdom in these lessons that I wanted to share them with you.

#1 Do not live from fears or guardedness. You will regret the times that you allowed fears to hold you back or limit your life expression in any way. A common example is withholding your expression of love by guarding your heart from emotional pain. Other regrets include choosing security over pursuing a passion, love or joy, whether it be marrying for status and money instead of love or holding back on following a dream. As Wayne Dyer once said, “Don’t die with your music still left in you.”

#2 Be more proactive in creating your life experience rather than simply reacting to what life gives you. I’ve heard many variations of this same missed opportunity. Unfortunately, we cannot get through life without loss or failure because they are built into the human experience as a means for us as souls to evaluate how the human part of us chooses to respond to challenges. Loss or failure can limit us or it can make us stronger and wiser with a richer life experience. When we glimpse behind the scenes and view life as a temporary role-play, however, losses and failure don’t paralyze us as much. In other words, as we become more awake to our permanent identity, we become freer.

#3 Be more fully and consciously present in each moment of life to experience more joy. It reminds me of Emily’s famous line in the play Our Town, “Is anyone really aware of life while they’re living it?” This is a theme that we all can relate to as we often go through life in our heads rather than appreciating the underlying love and beauty that is available in each instant, often only noticing it when it’s gone.

We can understand these lessons intellectually, but yet not fully feel and experience the truth of this wisdom. The value of past life regression is that it can allow us to integrate deeper soul truths at the level of the body and subconscious mind, thus helping us to more easily live from them in our daily lives. This is because towards the end of the session, the background noise of the thinking mind is silent and you are fully anchored in the here and now, which is actually a higher dimension of your being that is saturated in peace, love and clarity. You are more deeply connected to the soul part of you that is always ‘here’ and never goes away…not only throughout the years of your life as the body ages, but even long after the body is left behind.


Past Life Regression to BodySound Chairs: Support for Awakening

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Past Life Regression to BodySound Chairs:  Support for Awakening

As human beings, we are in an unprecedented time of awakening and growth. Computers, cell phones, weaponry, you name it, with new inventions obsolete at an increasingly faster pace as we awaken to more advanced ideas and technology. This exponential growth is also apparent in the realm of consciousness, as a significant number of people are beginning to awaken from the sleep-like trance of the ego-identified state of being, and into a natural, transcendent and permanent part of their selves that is not governed by fear and separation. For most of us, this process comes in stages like a slow progression, but on rare occasions such as with Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie, the jump from inner turmoil to freedom can happen quite spontaneously and intensely. For those who aspire to awaken to what they already are, certain tools can assist to realize more fully their true selves that lie beneath the surface of the fears and the illusions of separation that helps create this human experience.

What obscures the connection with our natural free being? It is our identification with the steady stream of the mind — our subtle thoughts and beliefs, both conscious and subconscious. Identification with our mind is normal, of course, but it is also the reason behind 100% of our suffering, according the Buddha. Most of us do not realize that there is an aspect of us that is free from this thinking mind. However, when we finally do, it feels noticeably ‘more awake’ because it can observe this chatterbox mind. As the mind quiets through various practices like meditation and others mentioned below, there can be an increasing awareness of limiting subconscious thoughts and beliefs. As a result, a subtle gulf gets created between ‘you’ and this thinking mind. This slight, elusive shift marks the beginning step in the journey from bondage to liberation. Who or what is this constant observer that can notice changing moods and thoughts whether at 5 or 85 years of age? Who or what am I? This is the ‘self-inquiry’ question which sages encourage us to ask, because, if you seriously inquire, it will stop the thinking mind since there is no answer that the thinking mind can comprehend. What’s left is pure unfiltered presence/awareness…a dimension of our being that is firmly rooted in the eternal present moment. Like a movie screen that holds ever-changing images, this same presence/awareness is a backdrop for the ceaseless flow of content from our minds.

You can find many awakened sages on youtube these days. One of them is Leonard Jacobson, sage and author of Journey Into Now. “We live our lives according to our unconscious beliefs,” says Jacobson. We can’t let go of the beliefs that limit us until we become aware of them. If you want to find a false belief that limits you, you can usually find one under a negative emotion that you’re trying to avoid. Adyashanti, another sage and teacher, suggests that a primary spiritual practice could be to allow whatever has been long repressed and denied within ourselves to be finally seen and felt in the light of our full consciousness. Then, he says, the energy can release from your body/mind system and be integrated into the fullness of your being.

This is where past life regression comes in. It is an effective tool to help in this awakening process because it leads to the discovery of our subconscious blocks if we set an intention for this to happen. PLR is far more than just seeing a past life. It’s about transcending the mind’s tendency to control in order to allow a higher guidance system to give you precisely what will help you move to the next level. You not only see a life that will expose a limiting pattern or belief, but PLR also helps you identify with the part of you that transcends the ego-based thinking mind. First, the information can drop into your awareness only when the analytical mind is ignored or quiet. Secondly, you begin to identify with and experientially feel the soul part of you between the lives after the death of the past life. As a result, a deep silencing of thought is noticed as you become solidly anchored in the eternal Now, free of the mind’s chatter and clutter. What remains is a clear, shining, free being of clarity and awareness. You become like a bright light bulb that has wiped away the mental dirt that obscured it, exposing the still presence of clarity, love and pure creative potential beneath it. During these moments, one can experience what it feels like to be free of their limiting beliefs.

New technology can also help on our journey of awakening. After 17 years of research, local neurologist and inventor Dan Cohen, MD, created a ‘BodySound’ chair, which combines layered sounds and music with synchronistic vibration and magnets. The result of a ‘BodySound’ chair session is profound relaxation with a conscious quieting of the thinking mind, thus increasing awareness of what it feels like to be free of the fear-based identity of egoic consciousness. It opens up the body’s energy system to receive greater flow while simultaneously setting the stage for limiting beliefs and conditioning to be noticed and released. Cohen then founded a non-profit organization, Global Institute of Energy Healing Technology (GIEHT), dedicated to using science and technology to promote the energy healing of humanity through research, education and practice. More information about GIEHT, as well as a symposium on energy healing modalities can be found at www.energyhealingtechnology.org. The symposium is on Saturday, October 18, 2014. The evening prior, I will be doing a pre-symposium event of a group- guided past life regression immediately following a BodySound session.

The common denominator between self-inquiry, past life regression, BodySound technology, and any other process that helps quiet the chattering mind is that it exposes the ego for what it is…a bunch of thoughts. More precisely, a circular pattern of thoughts revolving around an image of ‘me’, created from our programming and conditioning. However, a very real part of us transcends this image. The more we abide in this larger Self, the more our limiting beliefs and repressed emotions rise to the surface to become liberated in the light of our full awareness. As a by-product, we can more easily remain fully present in whatever moment this human experience gives us.