Tag Archive for: consciousness shift; growth; awakening

Healing Intense Fear and Abandonment

Case 11: Healing Intense Fear and Abandonment

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Carl Jung said, “Healing is about becoming conscious of that which is unconscious.” As we see through our limiting blocks, we become freer. One way to help us awaken is to place full focus and attention on whatever holds us back.

Client Background

Mike (name changed for confidentiality) came in with a “gripping, intense fear of rejection and abandonment” that was dampening the potential of his current relationship, causing misunderstandings, as well as social anxiety. Most intense, negative feelings are the result of old, stuck emotional energy in the body that gets replayed in different circumstances with other people throughout our lives. So, during his session, we allowed these specific fears to show him when they first occurred.

Client Experience

The fears brought us to a scene of Mike as a 5-year old boy in this present life, a common starting age for most issues. His mom and dad played an innocent trick. They pretended to leave the house and go on a family outing while Mike was sitting in a chair backwards with his legs caught in the wooden slats of the chair. While the adult mind can laugh it off in retrospect, the 5-year old child’s brain is not developed enough to process intense emotions, and so he could only feel the panic and fear from the abandonment of his caregivers.

Since this small child was unable to adequately express, articulate, or discharge these emotions from the body, these feelings became stuck energy in his chest and stomach area. Then, through the Law of Attraction (like vibration attracts like vibration), the vibration from this fear-based energy formed repetitive patterns with similar emotions which replayed in various times throughout this life for the next 40+ years.

An unconscious part of us finds and attracts circumstances and people into our lives that replay these stuck emotions in the body, which often relate to one of our soul lessons. However, once the origin of this fear is discovered, the mind can process the information and then release the negative energy from the body, replacing it with one’s own source energy or potential. This healing process lightened Mike’s vibration and heightened his perspective. Then, as he began processing and releasing the stored energy of past trauma, his consciousness spontaneously showed him a different lifetime.

In this one, he had died in a car accident at night, alone on a dark road at the age of 20. This past life death scene related to a lingering sense in this life of being alone and lost, as well as a feeling of impending doom that surfaced within his consciousness every time he drove across the state late at night to visit his parents. It also explained why he had the persistent thought in high school, “I just want to live past 20.” As the origin of these thoughts and feelings entered his awareness, they could be energetically released, which also freed him of perplexing physical ailments on the right side of his body. Once we uncovered the first layer of fears from his childhood, the second layer revealed itself.

Client Results

After the session, Mike wrote this in a review: “My session with Eric was very enlightening. I was able to see the event with a clarity that I never have before. I saw details that I had not remembered before and we were able to go through it step-by-step. I was never afraid or upset, but able to understand and release all the complicated elements of it. I have even been able to talk about it with friends now without fear.

Throughout the next day after my session, I became increasingly aware of a physical change in my body. The center of my chest felt oddly solid. As I thought about it, I realized that for as long as I can remember, I had a hollow trembling in my chest at the base of my sternum. It was only the absence of it that made me aware of how serious it was. I had even gone to see a doctor to have my heart checked, but he said it sounded normal. I’ve had several stressful things happen since and was able to handle them in much more rational ways.”

Eric’s Comments

Although these were two different lifetimes, they were very connected and similar in emotional content. Mike’s feelings of abandonment, rejection and aloneness became much less, and the relationship with his partner improved and became closer and deeper. This is an example of how we can liberate ourselves from the pain and suffering that occurred in the past, bit by bit, layer by layer. Then we can begin to live more easily from our authentic selves which are unclouded by limiting fears.

Relief From Anxiety, PTSD and Phobias

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When we put the feeling of anxiety under a microscope (which hypnotherapy does), we see that it is usually made up of subtle, subconscious fear-based thoughts. These thoughts have a beginning point in a past situation, event or circumstance. Anxiety occurs when these outdated, subtle subconscious belief programs are still operating in your present mind and affecting your life in a negative way, even though they are typically not relevant or even true. Fears are designed to keep us safe and protected, not block us from living a fulfilling, enjoyable life. Anxiety happens when the fear that’s trying to keep you safe is working way too hard, far beyond when it’s no longer necessary. The root of the problem is not you – it is the subconscious thought programs in your head. One of the first, and most profound leaps a person can make on their healing journey is to know that you are not your negative beliefs or fears. These outdated beliefs will begin to lose their power and can be changed and corrected once we put the spotlight of attention and awareness on them from a higher soul perspective. Carl Jung said about healing: “That which is unconscious must ultimately be made conscious.”

Anxiety can also be due to strong emotional energy from the past that is stuck in the body/subconscious mind system. Once we tune into this strong emotional charge in the body, it can be energetically released by our present moment consciousness. It is especially effective while simultaneously tuning into an eternal part of yourself that has no fears, which is what we can easily do with spiritual hypnotherapy. It is easy because, try as you might, you cannot separate yourself from the eternal consciousness that is animating your body, so when we go deep within we can experience a level of your consciousness that has no fears and is already whole and complete.

The subconscious mind operates like a computer program that hangs on to old, outdated messages that no longer serve you. A subtle yet powerful shift occurs when you begin to see that you are not your thoughts, you are the eternal consciousness that can witness and change your thoughts. A session is about releasing the stored trauma in the body/subconscious mind while empowering you to change the thought programs that no longer serve you and replace them with those that benefit and strengthen you. Each session provides empowering and noticeable shifts in you. To gain a more thorough understanding about anxiety, please read about the Present Life Emotional Healing session and also the article Relief From Depression and Unwanted Emotions.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD is an example of a past stressful event being kept alive in the body/mind system. As mentioned above, we can energetically release this stored trauma in the body while connecting to the eternal part of you that has no fears and is whole and complete. In addition to this powerful method, another means to relieve the effects of PTSD is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Visit www.eftuniverse.com to learn more about this effective method. It is a self-applied acupressure tapping technique that calms and soothes the body and mind’s fears while you focus on the root of the problem – the past stressful event itself. This also releases the stored fear/panic energy in the body, or anything with a strong emotional charge. Another way of looking at it is that the subconscious mind program gets reset – the thought pattern that pairs this past event with panic thoughts and feelings gets reset. The result is that you can focus on the past stressful event and finally feel relaxed, with the same emotional charge as though you were remembering a relaxing afternoon picnic.

The problem with past stressful events is that the more we try to run away from it, and at times cover the pain of it with chemicals or other addictions such as work, food etc., the more it will subtly impact your life in a negative way. Oddly enough, trying to get away from the past stressful event actually fuels the fear of it and thus its adverse effects. Paradoxically, the key to putting out the fuel of the stressful past is to fully face it and release the energy of it. It is painless and only takes minutes, and you typically don’t need to do it ever again.

EFT, when applied skillfully, is a powerful method. To relieve strong PTSD, I often combine EFT with spiritual hypnotherapy to re-program the subconscious mind and the body which holds and stores the fear-based thoughts and feelings.


We work with phobias in the same manner as PTSD. A combination of EFT with spiritual hypnotherapy is highly effective. Typically, one or two sessions are all that are necessary.


Case 12: Two Past Lives that Helped Release Her Anxiety

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Client Background

A woman (I’ll call her Beth) came in having struggled with anxiety her whole life. She had panic attacks, feelings of unworthiness, and low self-worth. She wanted to try past life regression to help deal with these feelings and negative beliefs. Past life regression connects you to your higher self which will in turn show you the precise life or lives that can help you move forward in the way that you are requesting. Beth’s higher mind knew exactly what would be most helpful for her.

Client Experience

Beth saw a past life where she grew up in an orphanage where she kept to herself because she never felt like she fit in. She described her past life at age 12 as follows: “The woman who runs it is strict and mean. I don’t like her. I don’t remember my parents, and it feels lonely and sad being there. I don’t like being by the other kids, and I feel like I don’t fit in.” She left the orphanage in her late teens and worked at a tavern, but still kept to herself, never feeling like she belonged. She lived by herself the rest of her life. Then one day in her 50’s, she was out walking when she fell, hit her head, couldn’t get up and she died alone. She felt her soul drifting up into a lighter, higher vibration, and then she began to sense other beings sending her comfort and reassurance. She reported, “it feels like love, purifying energy and peace.” In the soul realm, she reviewed the life she had just left and saw how her low self-esteem and feeling of not wanting to be noticed carried over to her present life. From the vantage point of the soul, she understood her soul lesson in that life could be applicable to her present life. She described her soul lesson as follows: “I shouldn’t close myself off and assume that people don’t like me. I need to be more comfortable with myself and choose who I want to be around.” She then received a download of fully seeing and feeling what it would be like in her past life and current life if she lived from that wisdom.

She was then shown a second life of a high-status man who was a respected leader and in charge of making decisions for a community. He felt comfortable and confident speaking in front of others, with no self-doubts whatsoever. He was adept at fencing and even taught his wife and daughter how to fight with swords. When that life was over, her soul drifted up and at one point noticed that there were others with her that felt very loving. She described one of the presences as either a male spirit guide or an angel. She said, “They’re telling me that I have the ability in my present life to be that confident and self-assured as long as I remember who I am.” She then added, “I can really feel my heart center opening up a lot right now.”

Client Results

Two weeks after her session, Beth reported that her anxiety had become much less, especially when she was around people. She no longer felt the tight anxious feeling in her chest when around new people. She had not experienced any more panic attacks and felt much more confident at work. She also noticed that her intuitive abilities had increased and she was more confident in making decisions. She also reported that her heart center had continued to open up and expand, and she noticed feelings of love more frequently, even to the point of tearing up.

Eric’s Comments

Past life regression works at a very deep, subconscious level. It not only shows you the root of an issue, but also the perspective shift from a higher vantage point that needs to happen to bring healing and resolution to presenting life issues. This perception shift can be felt fully throughout the body, mind and soul, and settles in as a deep knowing that overrides any subconscious fears of “not good enough.” In short, you experience fully the truth that you are a brilliant soul being using a body. As Suzanne Giesemann channeled, “We are here to master being a soul in a human body.”

Case Study: A Lifetime of Anger Released

Case 13: A Lifetime of Anger Released

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A client (I’ll call her Ann) came in with “demons of anger”, in her words. It’s valuable to set an intention prior to doing a past life regression session. Her intention for her past life regression session was to “see a life or lives that can most help me understand and heal my anger about not feeling good enough”.

Ann saw herself in a past life as a boy who never knew his parents and was raised by relatives in a home in which there was care, but not closeness. Home felt cold. As a teenager, he fell deeply in love with a girl at school, but she died of an illness. After graduating from school, he moved to a new town and found a job cleaning. Eventually he married a woman that he didn’t really love, describing the marriage as “a convenient escape from loneliness…there was no love between us and no bonding with the kids.” As he grew older, he worked as a blacksmith in a small town, and felt stress and guilt about not being able to provide more for his family. “My wife and I have nothing to say to each other. After the kids grew up and were out of the house, they don’t visit much, and life feels hopeless and wasted.” He died in his mid- 50’s in a hospital, alone and scared.

He felt regret soon after his death as he reflected upon his life, saying, “I didn’t know who I was, and I didn’t accept the life I had.” He then moved into a shaft of light that pulled his soul into a higher vibration in the spiritual realm. Ann described it in this way: “It’s getting lighter. It feels like waves of energy are taking care of me. I feel calmness, forgiveness and not alone. There’s an energy that makes me feel connected, and a forgiveness for myself. It was a hard life with not enough money or food and I felt stress that whole life. I couldn’t provide as a man because there wasn’t enough. But I also didn’t provide love for my family.”

In the spirit realm, I typically ask, “What you would do differently if you lived that life all over again, only from the higher vantage point of your soul?” Ann responded: “I would have shown my wife and kids love and acceptance.” She then immediately began to feel what her life would feel like if she had actually done that, which is typical in the past life session. “I can now feel how different and much lighter that would feel if I lived from that perspective. I would have taught my kids things and been at weddings, and then enjoyed grandkids.” She described the soul learning in that life to be: “Don’t sweat the small stuff. Appreciate the life around you…the family you do have. Appreciate what you can in life.” She then felt a deep compassion overcome her for people on earth who are hurting.

It became evident that the feelings that were left unresolved in that past life carried over to affect the mental and emotional energy bodies in this present life, thus contributing to the feeling of anger about not feeling good enough. We then released the thought-form energy from the past life that had carried over and replaced it with the wisdom and light of her higher soul self.

Two weeks after the session, Ann shared how her session impacted her. She wrote in an email: “I have noticed a huge change. Driving home after my session, I felt an immediate sense of calmness and comfort. I felt like the empty and questionable pieces of me had a tangible reason. I finally felt free to feel better. I had no idea what to expect from the session and the fact that I was given a glimpse of a past life was riveting…especially the fact that I was a man. The trauma from that life, without parents, gave me such compassion for the life I live right now. My relationship with actual parents may never be repaired, but I have a clear understanding of why I may have been a difficult child for them. My life is forever changed and my anger for not feeling good enough is gone. I have already had success in my personal and business life because of my session. Thank you, Eric! I am truly grateful!” 

This is a good example of how a past life regression session works. A client can discover where the root of a problem or issue lies, release it, and then view both the past life and present life from the higher-dimension vantage point of the soul. Wisdom, clarity and compassion are natural by-products from resting in this high-vibration state of being. It’s a level of consciousness that we all have access to as we go deep within. We ultimately are not separate from it, but it can easily become obscured while living in this human experience. That is, until we can awaken to this higher level of awareness within our own being, and that IS our true permanent self.

Love Image - June 21, 2020 blog

Returning Home to Yourself

Reading Time: 4 minutes

This blog is dedicated to waking up to our true self. Let’s begin with a jarring quote from one of my favorite teachers, Adyashanti, regarding one aspect of the human condition: “The world’s problems are, by and large, human problems – the unavoidable consequence of egoic sleepwalking. If we care to look, all the signs are present to suggest that we are not only sleepwalking, but at times borderline insane as well. In a manner of speaking, we have lost (or at the very least forgotten) our souls, and we try very, very hard not to notice, because we don’t want to see how asleep we are, how desolate our condition really is. So we blindly carry on, driven by forces we do not recognize or understand, or even acknowledge.” Although his message seems bleak, he is actually the bearer of good news.

The good news is that our problems, personal as well as global, can be clear pointers to what no longer works for us, thus the starting point to reclaim our power. And even while we as individuals may be stuck in a limiting pattern, there is also a part of us that remains free from the constraints of our mind programs, and offers a clearer way of perceiving. This internal wisdom is available to us and can offer guidance that is based in a more permanent reality, the soul state, which is motivated from a background of love and safety rather than a background of fear, which is common in the human egoic state. I see examples of this in nearly every session. Here is a case example of the insights that come from this relatively “more true” reality:

A woman (I’ll call her Jane) came for a past life regression to gain clarity on her life purpose and whether or not she should relocate to another state. In her past life regression, she saw herself as a woman in a blissful marriage with children until her husband suddenly died. For a long time after his death, she grieved, overwhelmed with loneliness, while closely guarding her heart from further emotional pain.

During the regression, Jane recognized that she was repeating this same pattern in her present life. But then as the past life unfolded more and she saw her past life personality growing older, a shift happened. She saw herself beginning to pour love into her children and grandchildren, which in turn, came back to her, creating a full, rich life once again. It was important for Jane to see how she could overcome her hurt and loss with love. When the life was over and Jane was steeping in the higher vibration state of the afterlife, she experienced her soul self as a much higher level of consciousness, free of the fear-based, limiting, egoic mind patterns. This is usually the most healing part of the session when insights and wisdom emerge as a result of the larger perspective that comes from tuning into a higher frequency. The eternal part of her was then able to reconnect with the eternal part of her husband in the past life, whose loss had created years of stuck anguish in her previous life. She was then able to fully experience the truth that love transcends all loss.

A week after her session, Jane wrote to me this wisdom: “You know that deep love I described feeling for someone else? I am now feeling it for the beautiful essence that lives in me. My heart feels full, complete, and perfect just the way it is. This morning I felt a deep comfort with the person I truly am and was able to begin experiencing what it is like to BE THAT person inside of this body.  And, I love it.  The answer isn’t “out there” as to where I need to move or what I need to do.  It is being at home in me where ever the path leads.  My fear was that in the regression I would run into a real YUK of a person from another life.  That was only my shame and guilt that is so made up.  The real person in all of us is so beyond the denseness we humans can so easily sink into.

 When I return for another session, it is not so much about going thru past lives as it will be staying in touch with the beautiful love energy I feel for ME. That kind of love will only radiate more of the same in others. Right now, I am so enjoying for the first time having a sense of who I am and it is with deep gratitude for your skillful way of bringing me home to myself. THANK YOU.”

One of the greatest benefits of past life regression is tuning into the permanent self that transcends these lives. You can actually experience this higher dimensional self to be deeply anchored in the present moment and free of the subtle, subconscious thoughts that hold us back in life. It’s a great respite to become rooted in the clarity of your true self, free of fears and feelings of lack. This eternal part of us is always available and lies just beyond our thinking mind. As we become more acquainted with our soul while here on earth, we will begin to awaken from the human condition of “egoic sleepwalking.” I believe this is one of our purposes for being here on this spaceship called earth.


Using Past Life Regression to Find Your True Self

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Past life regression is one of the most potent ways to connect to the higher, wiser part of yourself in order to resolve issues or move through stuck periods in your life. We become so focused on the worries and stress of life that we rarely connect with the quiet, still witness behind the worries. We become hypnotized into identifying with the continual swirl of thoughts in our mind, rather than on the deep presence that can observe those thoughts. During a past life regression, you become that presence. Then the Buddha’s words become clearer, “All suffering is due to wrong identification.”

It is natural to be skeptical about past life regression when viewed from an ordinary ego-identified level of consciousness. Yet what is often overlooked in nearly every moment of daily living is that ‘you’ are the energy and consciousness that animates the body, and as such, that ‘you’ is eternal and indestructible. For most people, that truth may remain only as an intellectual concept until they die. So if an aspect of yourself is infinite now, then it makes sense that you can begin to ‘tune into’ or resonate with that ‘truer’ self. It’s simply a matter of identifying more with the part of you which is the constant, non-fluctuating self. An effective way to access that ‘self’ is to go within, closing off the relative world of time and matter. This leads to becoming focused in the present moment.  Hypnosis provides a quick and powerful means to accomplish this because it deeply relaxes the body and quiets the mind the deeper you go into trance. A gulf begins to grow between the peaceful presence/awareness of ‘you’ and your thoughts. It becomes easier to identify yourself as the awake and aware ‘witness’ of your thoughts rather than being sucked into the mind’s incessant chatter. In this state of stillness, you can set the intention to see other lives you have experienced.

Past life regression sheds light on your soul’s intention of using your life for growth and evolution. Here’s how it works: As you surrender to whatever your unconscious mind reveals, an impression of another lifetime will emerge. It’s important to trust the process and permit the story to develop. It will ultimately reveal something profoundly beneficial for you. If you try in any way to consciously direct the images that come, it will block the process. Typically a previous life will mirror a deep issue that you’re dealing with in this life, even unconsciously. These mental impressions can be interpreted either as a past life or a symbolic metaphor, like a dream image. After the death scene, you can reflect on how you lived that life from the viewpoint of the eternal soul aspect of yourself. Often the strongest healing part of the session comes when you experience the deep peace, freedom and insights after the human drama. You gain a sense of how you wish you had gone through that life. Perhaps you lived it governed by small fears that held you back in various ways. From the perspective of ‘now time’, outside of time/space, you can ‘re-script’ that life by making different decisions about how you would have wanted to live that life, much like lucid dreaming. You can create a life where you consciously allow the freedom, appreciation, joy and love of your soul self to shine through, unimpeded by subtle, fear-based mind programs and conditioning that are common in the human experience. You not only create that empowered life but feel in your body and mind what it’s like to live in this awakened manner.

At times your higher mind may show you a past life in which you’ve known deep wisdom and strength if your current life lacks these qualities. You’ll be given that life to see so you can merge the powerful love-based qualities of that life with your current one. It all comes from an elevated level of consciousness that corresponds with ‘tuning into’ a higher dimension/vibration aspect of yourself, namely the part that is animating you right now.

A recent, typical example was a woman who struggled with anxiety. She experienced her past life as a woman of high status, forced to keep up appearances in an uptight, rigid society. She was afraid to express her true feelings while trying to please others. Her deep concern over other’s opinions held her back from fully living life, which caused her to feel alone. She was then shown a second life as a woman living in a poor village who was deeply connected to the entire community. During harvest time, everyone worked together, forming genuine bonds without any pretenses. She felt what it was like to be her true self without concern of appearances, and felt the exhilaration of experiencing authentic human relationships. In the time between lives, she could see how the first life mirrored her current life, while the second life revealed a way to live in which fears were replaced with the excitement and freedom of forming heartfelt connections with others. She saw that she had a choice about which way she was going to live this life, and how, up until now, she had been living a fear-based life, overly concerned with other’s opinions. Thus, at a subconscious level, she was able to shift the perspective that held her back in life. Past life regression not only revealed her soul lesson, but also allowed her to fully feel what it’s like to ‘get’ that lesson and live without the subtle fears that blocked and limited her. Because this all occurred at a deep subconscious level, it had a powerful and lasting effect. Over a year later she shared that the session had been quite impactful for her. It’s not uncommon to experience noticeable results in one session.

We are multi-dimensional beings. We have a body, yet at a deeper level of relative truth, we are also the soul essence that animates our body. At the deepest, ultimate level of truth, we all come from the one energy source that animates all life, and from which souls emerge. As humans, we live life as unique, individual ocean waves that forgot that our true essence is the ocean itself. Past life regression is an inward route to gain an experiential glimpse of these deeper levels of your being with heightened clarity. Life trials come and go, and so do lifetimes, but what remains? You do. Past life therapy tunes you into this constant aware presence of ‘you’ that transcends all earthly dramas.

An Eloquent Description of Experiences with Past Life

An Eloquent Description of Past Life Regression

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Recently a client shared with me her narrative of her past life regression experience. I am sharing it with you because it such an articulate description of how past life regression can work. Describing your experience can be quite a challenge. One of the first things people notice after a session is the lack of words there are to describe the experience. There is a reason for this…words and language belong to the thinking mind in this physical dimension, and the entire past life regression experience can only be done when this conscious thinking mind is a silent, uninvolved witness. Therefore, information drops into you as a “download” of intuitive inner knowings and feelings along with some visual impressions, like a strong intuitive hunch. Words can only describe the tip of the iceberg of your experience. In fact, describing what is happening during your regression can feel a lot like multi-tasking. But the most important part is that as the conscious thinking mind gives up control of the process, an entirely new information flow is accessible….the same information flow that might give you a strong intuitive knowing about something. And it gives you precisely what will be of most benefit to you, even if you cannot fully articulate beforehand what that is. This narrative provides an example of this. Enjoy!

Past Life Regression

As a preacher’s kid, and pretty mainstream thinker all my life, I was surprised at 49 to discover a new fascination with the concept of reincarnation and past-lives. I was experiencing some pretty major changes in my life and was not handling them gracefully, so I decided to see if a past life regression would help.  I seriously didn’t expect it to be life changing, and before the appointment, prepared myself to walk away believing that in fact it was a hoax.  I could not have been more wrong.

I did three regressions and a life between lives session over the course of a year, and as time went on, I began to see patterns.  While I generally had specific things I wanted to know, the most valuable insights I received had nothing to do with my questions, but everything to do with what was deep in my heart.  The questions I didn’t know how to ask became the topic of the story.

There were many similarities between the different lives that I found are also themes in my current life.  In three of the four lives, there was a big kitchen table that kept showing up, and significant things kept happening around it.  Even today, I love to cook and feed people. That same big table sits in the center of our home, and life still happens around it.  My current husband was also my husband in two of my lives, and my current sister was my wife in one.  In all the lives, I lived in rural areas, and spent a lot of time outdoors, often gardening, which is also true in this life.

I expected that if this whole past lives thing turned out to be legit, I would find some kind of dramatic wisdom, but in fact, most of the wisdom had an elegant simplicity to it.  In one life, there was an epidemic of some kind in our village, and we had to move.  The major scene in that life was the conflict between my husband and me as we dealt with my fear of change.  By the end of the life, we had happily settled in a new place and raised our family, and I died very happy.  The lesson?  Change is ok.  Relax and go with it.  That lesson is not an earthshaking revelation, but at that moment in time, in this life, accepting change was exactly what I was struggling with, and had been unable to see clearly through my fear.  Experiencing the regression and seeing myself successfully navigate a similar situation allowed me to handle the changes that were occurring in this life.  I found a peace that had been out of my reach before the regression.

The regression that had the greatest impact on me was a life where I was a man who was unable to connect with people.  Because of my self-imposed isolation, when I needed my community to help me save my land, they were not there for me. I lost everything, became a bitter mean man, and finally died alone and depressed. To those around me, I looked like a cranky old man, but inside, I was lonely and in pain, with no clue what was causing it or how to ease the pain.  The heaviness of the depression I felt in the latter part of that life was something I will never forget.

Initially I thought the lesson was about the value of connecting with people and learning to work in teams, which I still believe it was, but there was more.  In the weeks following the regression, another theme also began to emerge.  Visiting that life enlarged my understanding of what compassion really is, beyond sympathy for the poor and downtrodden.  Since the regression, when negative behavior is directed at me, instead of feeling attacked, I see pain and fear.  Having lived that pain, I have a different perspective, and tend to feel compassion rather than anger and resentment.  I can’t change people’s behavior, but I can change my own, and find a healthier and more compassionate way to respond.  It has made a huge difference in how I work with people!

By far the most comforting result of these regressions is that I have lost my fear of dying.  Do I want to die now?  No.  But I have experienced death four times, and I can confidently say that it is not the end; it is just the beginning of another season in the eternal life of my soul.  Death, from the soul’s perspective, is neither difficult nor the end, and the place we return to, whatever you choose to call it, is a place of love.

A Fascinating Past Life Account

A Fascinating Past Life Account

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Recently a client sent me a narrative of her past life regression that she wrote as part of a collection of past life experiences that I’m gathering for a book. It was a fascinating session on many levels, so with her permission I’m sharing it here. Since her soul had been an American soldier fighting in Vietnam prior to this life, the information that she obtained in the regression experience was recent enough that it could be verified through research. The session demonstrates many things besides the authenticity of past life memories and our transcendent soul nature: (1) very young children can often be aware of the spiritual realm until they learn to shut it down later in life; (2) souls can travel across the world after death to be with loved ones, and then later be aware of how their loved ones are getting along; (3) souls often incarnate in groups; (4) love transcends time and space; (5) the subtle feelings you receive from your soul are worth listening to; (6) although this physical life may seem like it’s all there is, the lives behind the forms here are involved in another experience in the spiritual dimension, and they can intersect with ours. I’m sure there are others that you may pick up on. I’ll add on a side note that, interestingly, this is one of several cases recently in which a client has reported a huge spike in intuitive abilities that somehow got kicked off after their session. The veil between this physical realm and the spiritual is getting thinner.

Enjoy this fascinating account. It could have been much longer, but has been written in a condensed version.


“Throughout high school I had a persistent urging to do a past life regression.  I had read books on the subject but had no idea where to go about finding someone who would be able to do something like this.  I often thought about my career goals and had an inner knowing that I wanted to work in a Medical Examiner’s Office and specifically helping families find answers to why their loved ones had died.  Although I had not personally experienced death, I often dreamed that I was a man floating above my body as it was leaving this earth.  I would wake up crying because I missed my former family so much.  It felt strange but at the same time so real.  It was almost immediate upon enrolling in college with Mortuary Science as my major, that these dreams subsided.  Upon graduating from college, I landed my first job as a funeral director.  Although I wanted to work in a Medical Examiner’s office, at the time it wasn’t something readily available and I had this nagging feeling I wasn’t qualified or skilled enough to meet the requirements.  I worked as a funeral director for approximately one year.  In hindsight I realize that the hostile work environment, while extremely challenging at the time, was in many ways a mixed blessing.  Feeling somewhat downtrodden and dissatisfied, I resigned from that place of employment and which literally empowered me and gave me the necessary time to set about doing a few things on my “bucket list.”

The internet was very resourceful to learn more about past life regression and how to go about making an appointment.  When Eric’s name came up, I had a strong intuitive response and immediately knew he was the person I needed to go visit.  I wasted no time scheduling my appointment.  In a way, I felt like this was just a way to entertain my long-standing curiosity and I would go with an open mind and see where it would take me.  I honestly wondered if perhaps this might be a little over the top but there was no way I was going to miss this opportunity.

On the day of my session, Eric and I discussed my purpose for coming and I expressed that I wanted clarification as to what I should be doing in regard to my career.  We also talked about what a normal session would be like and that if at any time I did not feel comfortable enough to continue he would bring me back to a safe place and I was free to express my concerns.  I quickly settled into a state of relaxation and Eric asked me questions about what was coming to me.  I began seeing static, sort of like that of when you push your fingers into your eyes.  While I was present with that I observed it turning into black and white rushes and forming plant-like shapes.  After what seemed like seconds of this, I began to see green jungle-type trees and a lush array of green plants that appeared to be everywhere.  Suddenly, I sensed myself in chaos, in a jungle, there was fighting.  Eric asked me to look down.  I noticed that I was wearing black combat-type boots, green itchy clothes, and could feel a helmet on my head, and my hand and arm clinging onto a rifle.  I kept turning, watching my back, knowing there was an enemy closing in on me.  My comrades were beside me.  Panic was overtaking me and just then I saw bright flashes of white light from bombing and fire.  Eric sensed my anxiety and gently asked me to let go of that realm and back into a gentler and earlier time in my life.

Before me was a red barn, tall green fields of corn, and a white-washed fence.  Tears flowed down my cheeks and I began crying.  There was a consuming feeling that I did not want to leave my family behind; I did not want to go to war.  As my sobbing increased, I could sense Eric’s concern as he asked me what was my name and about my hometown.  I actually gave him a person’s name and the state I was living in at that time.  He asked me to go back in time even further.  I breathed a sigh of relief and there I was a young boy, perhaps about 10 years old.  I was sitting on a bar stool in what appeared to be an old soda shop from the 1950’s.  My parents were behind me and my three siblings were off to the side playing.  Gazing out the window, I was observing cars from the 1950’s era driving down the street.  This was my childhood and it felt so familiar.

Again, Eric asked me to go forward in time.  I am seeing a pregnant young woman and a 2- or 3-year old boy next to her holding her hand.  I recognized her immediately as my wife, and coincidentally enough, she looks exactly like I do now.  I am feeling an excitement as our second child is soon to be born.  A sadness and tears flow again.  I have a consuming feeling that I don’t want to leave them behind.  Eric senses this and again took me forward in time.

I am at base camp.  I see a large green truck with what looks like a white star on the side.  There are endless small buildings every direction, planes overhead, a landing strip in the middle of the camp, and a tall sniper tower.  I turn around and see men in white jackets behind me and feel surrounded by troops at the camp.  I am walking into a building and there dead bodies scattered endlessly.  Oddly enough, I am not scared.  Eric asked me at this point if I see any combat and then the scene changes.

My vision turns black.  I cannot feel my lower legs, and a prickly sensation vibrates up through my upper legs.  I am walking in something deep like thick mud or quick sand.  My gun is heavy above my head; it is night-time and I am in a heavy swamp.  There’s a comrade on each side of me and we move together as a unit.  We make out a vision of a small boat in the far distance; there are men on it, and they are wearing pointy hats.  I struggled to site in my rifle and was aiming when suddenly I am blacking out.

I have no idea how much time has passed but I am waking up in what seems like a prison.  My hands are tied above my head in a dimly lit room.  There is a man in some sort of cage to my left.  There is also something very significant about him, but I cannot comprehend what it is.   There are many fellow comrades and they are caged and tied up as well.  I see a man in a chair that is tilted back being water boarded and it is by Viet Cong.  A dense and overwhelming sense of doom comes over me and I desperately need to get out of here.  At that point, Eric again sensing my anxiety, suggested moving forward in time.

I am lying on the ground in some sort of field, on my belly, my face sweats of blood and there’s a sensation that my face is smashing in on me.  I feel the uniform that I am wearing.  My strength is draining and I am so weak.  Seconds later my spirit is rising and it is leaving my body.  However, there is still a perpetual sadness.  I am missing my family; I want to be at home.  I resist rising with my spirit and hang on with all the resilience I can muster.  I need to see my family.  I get a vision of me beside our toddler.  He is in a highchair.  He sees me.  He is giggling and waving at me.  My wife and other son are with him.  I am here; how can they not see me.  This contributes to my intense grief.  The baby continues to realize my presence and we have this almost telepathic way of communicating.

My wife goes through a dark period of time after my passing.  Eventually she remarries.  I do not like her new husband.  I see a dark shadow around him as if he were wearing a dark suit and hat all the time.  He seems like some sort of a salesman.  Again, I am pulled into the moment realizing I am crying and that all encompassing sense of missing my family is filling my heart.  I have a knowing that they feel like I ran away and deserted them.  My body has not been found.  At that point, Eric gently guides me to my afterlife and asks me to describe my experience.  I experience a huge shift into the most beautiful, peaceful, and loving place and feel like I am a part of it.  It is beyond words as if being part of a heaven beyond what we are capable of even imagining.

At this point in time, Eric asks me about my family from that lifetime.  I know my sons are still alive and living in the state that I was able to pinpoint earlier.  He asks me about my wife and I see a rural cemetery where she is buried.  The date on the tombstone is 1989, which is after I was born in this current lifetime.  I begin to feel her spirit and a heartfelt elation comes over me.  It almost feels like I am having some sort of outer space experience.  I see her outline as a female with a glowing pure white star where her heart should be.  It feels like we are locked in hug that should go on for eternity.  We belong together in this realm and are reunited at such a soulful level.

Eric asks how she died and she points to her heart.  I have a knowing that she is still in the spirit world and she tells me that she is going to come back to me in another form.  She will be incarnated and born to me as my daughter one day.  She assures me we will be together again.  I feel another male spirit kind of “butting in” and Eric wants me to talk to him.  This spirit looks the same as my wife except for a male outline to his spirit.  He takes me back to the torture scene and shows me that he was the man next to me in the cage.  We had so often talked about going back to Nashville where he was from and that we were going to make it out of this prison together.  Eric asks me if this person had reincarnated and he responded to me that he was for a while but died as a baby.  Eric asks me if I knew him and I answer, “of course, he was our neighbor’s baby that died a month before I was born!”  Our mothers were pregnant together much of the same time.  Eric asks me if he knew he was going to die and he replied “I died of SIDS and I did not necessarily know that was going to happen.  It is okay though because we will meet again in this lifetime when I am born as your son.”

Needless to say, this experience with Eric was deeply profound.  I found so many answers to questions that I earlier could not even be prolific in identifying.  What was deeply moving was the emotional breakthrough into feelings I had never come close to touching.  They were so real and so intense.  My heart experienced a thawing and for the first time ever, I was in touch with who I really am on a deeper level.

I went into this session with Eric wondering about my career goals and came out knowing my life purpose.  I was put on this earth to be the voice of the deceased and give families answers that they need to know or hear in order to begin healing and finding peace in the passing of their loved ones.  I know this especially because of the pain I felt in my family by what they went through not knowing.  I realized that my vision of working in a Medical Examiner’s office is exactly what I needed to pursue.

Not only do I know why I was put on this earth, but I know that I will get to be with my soul mate (my wife from the past life who will be in a precious form which I can love and nourish) as well as my future son and that death is never the end and love really does have an eternal realm.  I have learned how to love and appreciate the people important to me in this life and also how to empathize and have compassion for people in a variety of life circumstances.

I want to end this on a note where I am proud to say that a few months after my session with Eric, I was offered and secured a position at a Medical Examiner’s Office.  I absolutely LOVE my job!  I also have realized my life partner in this realm and we are engaged.  Had I not done a past life regression, I shudder to think that I might still be stuck in a same old previous pattern and going through life half-heartedly coherent enough to know something significant was just under the surface but clueless as to what that might be.  Most importantly is that I have learned what it means to love another person in a spiritually unconditional way regardless of gender, circumstances, and have experienced  how that eternal love transcends time and space.  In miraculous ways this regression session with Eric integrated an unconscious past into a current consciousness where I am much more aware of life on many levels and with this special knowing the past integrates and guides me as I move forward.  With this known confidence, I am able to deal with challenges from a much higher state of consciousness and assist others as circumstances present, not only in everyday life but in my career with the Medical Examiner’s Office.”

Past Life Regression’s Greatest Attribute

Reading Time: 4 minutes

One of the most important insights that past life regression offers is the realization that you are an immortal being. This truth more deeply sinks into the subconscious mind as a result of connecting to the soul part of you that already knows this truth, and the trickle-down benefits are subtle, yet profound. You are a soul here and now, which means that you never die. Something that would significantly help the planet would be for individuals to wake up to their immortality. Evidence of our immortality is reflected in the thousands of cases of accurate past life recall.

As we deepen in the awareness of our immortality, it slowly dawns on us that we are merely role-playing here. The goal of this game of human life is to find lasting happiness. We search outside of ourselves for awhile until a turning point in the soul’s evolution steers our focus inward. As we deepen our search, we can experience peace, lightness and love, until one day we realize that these states are not states at all, but characteristics of the deepest part of our being, available when we’re free of the mind’s buzzing turmoil. Eckhart Tolle points out that the key to this freedom is to take the focus off of the content of our minds and place it on the eternal ‘beingness’ or pure, unfiltered conscious-awareness that provides the backdrop of all of our mind’s content…the part of you that can be aware of a passing mood or thought. Yet forgetfulness happens repeatedly, and again we identify with the human part of us that is burdened with our opinions and worries until we once again remember the truth of our being.

The human experience is one of forgetfulness, and also of getting lost…lost in the world of the mind and all of our beliefs about what’s true, about who we are, and things on the ‘to-do’ list. This is my challenge, as well as most of us.

A natural quality of waking up to the most permanent part of you is acceptance. As we live from surrendered acceptance, we can fully participate in the ups and downs that life offers without wanting to escape or be fearful. There is a natural acceptance of ‘what is’, even if it brings unwanted emotions, because it becomes safe to fully feel emotions. When you know you’re role-playing, any emotion can be a rich, textured experience, even the grief from loss. I know people who won’t allow themselves to love again because of the pain of loss. Past life regression usually unveils the illusion of loss, making it safe to love, and feel hurt, and then deeply love again. It also cuts through the illusion of fear, allowing you to know what it would feel like to securely live from your full potential, free of any limiting beliefs and subtle anxieties that hold you back.

A natural acceptance of other’s beliefs is an important, key by-product of identifying with our true immortal selves, given the diversity on our planet. Nobody’s beliefs or dogmas, including our own, need to be taken personally. It’s recognized that all beliefs are products of the human conditioning process, and who and what we ultimately are transcends all beliefs. Then we can accept one another. We don’t have to agree with or even like each other’s limiting beliefs, but there can be a recognition that beneath all beliefs there is something in common….we are immortal, we come from the same energy source, and we have each blindly forgotten this truth. Yet that’s not a problem, because it’s that way by design. It’s the play of the divine Oneness, also known as God’s “Lila” in the Hindu tradition, that we’re all a part of. The goal of this play is to awaken to who we really are, and therefore out of our judgments of ourselves and others. Adyashanti, an awakened teacher, says the best indicator of our spiritual growth is how accepting and tolerant we are with those of opposing belief systems. From the vantage point of the highest dimension of yourself, there is no effort to accept, you are acceptance itself because everyone and everything else is a part of you, whether they’re conscious of that fact or not. Furthermore, it’s impossible to be separated from this part of you, as it’s the backdrop of your beingness. It merely gets overlooked during the human hypnotic experience. A deep inner journey, whether self-guided or guided, can make this evident.

It has been said by many these days that it is imperative that we wake up to our immortality which transcends all of our worries and judgments about ourselves and others. When we can sense and know the sameness beneath our differences, then we can realize that we are all one consciousness, albeit lost and operating through seven billion unique filters of programming and conditioning, resulting in various degrees of suffering. The natural emotion that arises from this realization is compassion. The differences that divide can be washed away by a mere perception shift towards truth and away from the illusion that is mind-created. As Thich Nhat Hanh says, “We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” That which divides is illusion. In fact, the only thing that separates anyone from all of their divine qualities is an illusory thought and perspective. This is not a philosophy, but a truth that can be known only in one’s own direct, immediate experience. Deep inner journeys such as past life regression can help you remember not only the truth of yourself, but also offer a glimpse of the reality behind the trials of human life. What is the next level of evolution that your soul is nudging your personality to experience? Go within and find out.

An Eloquent Description of Experiences with Past Life

Changing Times

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the consciousness level of the planet rises, we can see evidence of this not only in the conflicts of the world, but also the fact that most people’s mental and emotional issues are beginning to surface….all for the sake of growth and evolution. Dr. David Schnarch, author of the book Passionate Marriage, puts it in a beautiful way: “Nature has an eloquent way of holding our happiness hostage, and the price for ransom is our own development.”

This shifting of consciousness is a time of re-evaluating past beliefs, old systems of doing things and out-dated modes of operation.  Everything from past authoritarian governments that rule with an iron fist, to our own personal beliefs, is challenged.

One belief to re-evaluate is how we react to uncomfortable emotions. It may seem that life is about avoiding the uncomfortable feelings, situations or emotions that arise. But this strategy back-fires because of the Law of Attraction. Life events happen that will trigger whatever thoughts, feelings and beliefs within you that no longer serve you. So the best way to move past an issue within you is to fully face it, feel it in your body, extract the gift of insight and wisdom that is contained within it, and release what no longer serves you from your body/mind system. This is how you can change yourself from within. It is then that we realize that the subconscious fears that have been governing our lives turn out to be paper tigers of pure imagination, and we can begin to operate in a manner that is freer and easier. The Present Life Emotional Healing session is an effective means to experience this.

Many times, a soul’s greatest work here on earth can be simply summarized as, “Stop believing the false mind programs.” It’s our egoic mind programs that hold us back or make us feel “less than” or not good enough. Probably the best thing about past life regression is that it connects you to the ‘you’ that is free and transcendent of the ego’s negative conditioning. The false programming that you were given doesn’t make any sense from the soul’s viewpoint, so it’s quite a respite to experience your true self without it. The unconscious mind programs that had been governing your life stick out and seem ridiculous. An awakened teacher, Neelam, once said, “First things first. First find out who and what you really are, and then see if your problem still makes any sense.”