Tag Archive for: awakening

What Is Enlightenment?

Reading Time: 7 minutes

I would like to share an article by Neile Donald Walsch, author of the ‘Conversation With God’ series. He has a way of articulating deep concepts and ideas in a simple manner. I enjoyed his thoughts on Enlightenment and I hope you do as well! Here’s Neile:


Let’s talk about Enlightenment—that elusive magical mystical experience for which many people seem to be searching.

We have not only been search-ing for Enlightenment, we have been searching as well for a definition of Enlightenment, because we know intuitively that we can’t get to that destination until we know where we are going.

And so the first step for most human beings has been to try to define what Enlightenment is, or what it looks like, or feels like, or what it is like to experience that.

As we look around us in this world we see that many “Paths to Enlightenment” have been suggested, recommended, created, expressed, experienced, shared, and put into the space of our collective lives.

The Buddha said that he knew a way to Enlightenment. Bahá’u’lláh said that he knew a way. More contemporarily, Paramahansa Yogananda said that he knew a way to Enlightenment.

Yogananda taught in the West from 1920 until his death in 1952. He published his life story, Autobiography of a Yogi, in 1946. and created the Self-Realization Fellowship.

When Yogananda, or Master, as he was called, came to America he brought a technique for “self-realization,” which was his phrase meaning Enlightenment.

“When you realize who the Self is,” he said, “you become enlightened.”

You are more aware. You are more at peace with the world. You are internally serene, totally content, and thus, wonderfully empowered . . . in a quiet, gentle sort of way . . . to move through life, to experience Divine Presence in you, as you.

Yet how can we arrive at this place of Self Realization?

Well…God says, “No one calls to me who is not answered.” And I believe that each of us will be answered by that which we call Divine, in the way which most effectively responds to the vibration that we hold and create from the center of our being.

For Paramahansa Yogananda, the way was, chiefly, meditation. But God says that God, or Divinity, or Enlightenment, if you please, appears in the lives of every person in a form that is most appropriate to their background, their culture, the level of their desire, and their willingness.

So there are many disciplines: physical disciplines, mental disciplines, spiritual disciplines, and some disciplines that involve all three — the body, the mind and the spirit.

We spoke of The Buddha earlier. One day Siddhartha Gautama — the man who came to be called “Buddha” — said:

“I’ve tried everything. I’ve done all the physical discipline, all the training, all the exercise, all the starvation, all the diets, all the fasting, and all the meditation. Now I’m just going to sit here beneath this tree and I’m not getting up until I’m Enlightened.”

And there he sat, doing nothing. No exercises, no meditations, no fasting, no nothing – – just sitting there doing absolutely nothing.

Now that is hard for many of us to do, because we think there is something we are suppose to be doing in order to be Enlightened.

Suddenly Siddhartha said with a start: “I’m Enlightened.” And people came to him and cried out, “What did you do? What did you do? Teach us, Master! You have become the Buddha, the Enlightened One. What is the secret? What did you do?”

And the Buddha said something quite extraordinary, which I paraphrase here: “There is nothing that you have to be, do, or have. Simply BE what you have always been . . . and don’t deny it.”

Imagine. After all that time. After the life he had lived and all that he did and saw. After all the luxury and then all the self-denial, after wearing a silk shirt and then a hair-shirt, after thoroughly satisfying his body and then starving his body, after no spiritual or physical discipline and then tons of discipline…after all that time, he realized it was not about doing or having anything, and it was not about not doing or having anything. It was about the middle way.

It was about just living life, non-attached to anything in partic-cular. Not attached to your luxuries and joys, and not attached to your poverty and tragedies. It was not about any of that.

It can be if you want it to be. It can be if that is what suits you. It can be if that is your path, but it is not necessary to be, do, or have anything in particular.

The Buddha said, in effect, “I’m Enlightened because I have realized that Enlightenment is knowing that there is nothing you have to do to be Enlightened. Just be your True Self.”

Isn’t that interesting? Think of all the effort that people are putting in, with years-long programs and trainings, only to find out that Enlightenment requires nothing at all — except letting go of what you are not.

What you are not is anything that is not Love.

I hate to be so simplistic here, so predictable, but Who You Are is Divinity, physically expressed — and what Divinity is . . . is Love.

If you simply love everyone whose life you touch endlessly, unconditionally, with nothing needed or wanted in return (what can God possibly need in return?), you have become Enlightened, you have achieved Awareness. AND . . . you have shown everyone else how they may do so as well — as fast as any other mental system or spiritual discipline that exists, like that.

As fast as Transcendental Meditation, like that. As fast as joining the Self-Realization Fellowship, like that. As fast as taking est, like that. As fast as Brain Education and Dahn Hak and Vibrational Attunement and any other process or mechanism or path you can name.

And if you learn to love yourself unconditionally, as well as everyone else, you will heal your entire self without lifting a finger.

Now I want to discuss this thing called health, because many people believe that you are not enlightened unless you are in good health.

Does Enlightenment mean being in good health? And what is “good health” anyway? Is good health having a body that has nothing wrong with it? Is good health living until you are 90 or 100 or 200 or 500? ?

Ernest Holmes was the founder of Religious Science, and wrote a book called The Science of Mind. He was said to have found the way to create a perfect and wonderful life. Yet he lived only until he was 73. Why did he not live longer, if he was so spiritually “healthy” and aware? Half the people that I know have lived longer!

Is Enlightenment, and “good health”, having no pain and nothing malfunctioning with your physical form? Is good health the absence of anything that is not perfect in your physical experience?

Or — now listen to this carefully — is good health being very okay and in a place of joy and peace no matter how things are?

What is health, what is optimum health, if it is not happiness?

I know people who exercise every day, lifting weights and running and working out, eating well, doing all the right things, and their bodies are in great health, but their hearts and their minds and their souls are very ill and desperately sad. They are incomplete, unfulfilled, unexpressed, and deeply unhappy.

And I know people who are hardly able to lift a toothpick, their bodies are in such bad shape . . . but their hearts and their minds and their souls are bright as a shining star, and they are happy.

I know such a man, whose name is Ram Dass. Do you know of whom I speak? Ram Dass is a Master, and I was vastly privileged to have met him personally. He has taught many people for many years. He wrote a book called Be Here Now, among others.

A number of years ago now, Ram Dass had a stroke. He was a young man; he was only 63 or something like that. I met with Ram Dass after his stroke, in a hotel room in Denver, and I want to tell you something. I’ve never met a healthier man.

I sat in that room with a Master. I said, “Ram Dass, how are you?” And he sat there in his wheelchair and said very slowly and very carefully, “I am won-der-ful.”

He had to pronounce each syllable as if it was a separate word. His mouth, his tongue, couldn’t work any faster than that. But he looked at me and smiled and said, “I-am-won-der-ful.”

Now that’s health…that’s health. That’s peace. That’s joy. And I cried. Not for Ram Dass. Who would cry for a person who said something like that? I cried for myself.

How could I have missed it? How could I have walked right past this wisdom for so many years?

In the end,. We came here to understand Who We Are, and to experience it.

We did not come here to somehow “get better” or to “work on our stuff.” Consider the possibility that all the work you will ever need to do is finished. All you have to do now is demonstrate that. Ernest Holmes left when he left because he had demonstrated what he came here to demonstrate.

So this moment is the moment of your liberation. You can be liberated from your life-long search for Enlightenment. You can be released from any thought that it has to look like this…no, no, it has to look like that, no, no, you have to get to it by this path, by that program, by the other process or activity.

If Enlightenment is outer joy and inner peace, outer ease and inner tranquility, outer consciousness and inner awareness, and you are experiencing that — then you have found Enlightenment.

So set yourself free today. Stop working so hard on yourself that you don’t even enjoy it anymore. Do what works for you, but make sure it brings you joy.

Enlightenment is EnJOYment. It is the pouring of pure joy into Life.

Now here is what I know will bring you joy. Decide that the rest of your life — every day, every moment, every word — is something that you will share with everyone whose life you touch in a way that ensures that they will know there is nothing they have to do, nowhere they have to go, and no way they have to be, in order to be loved by you right now.

Let them know that they are perfect just as they are, just as they are standing there.

Spend the rest of your life giving people back to themselves, that they might love themselves, and know that there is nothing they are lacking, nothing they are missing, nothing they need, nothing they are not.

It has been said that the other is your mirror, and you will see there naught but what you see in yourself. Yet I tell you this. Do not wait to see yourself as perfect before you see The Other as perfect. See The Other as perfect first . . . then you will see perfection in yourself.

Forgive the other first, then you will forgive yourself at last. Do unto others as you would have it done unto you. This is the Law and the Prophets.

For there IS no Other, save You. And when you know this, you save you. You become . . . your Saviour.

What I am talking about here is simply sharing love, which is who you really are. And if you learn and choose and decide to share love — endlessly, unconditionally — with everyone, you will find that there is nothing else to do to seek Enlightenment. You will have achieved it.

So, with that as our determination and that as our choice and that as our decision, let us join together and experience our own ‘Enlightenment’.

The Challenge and Rewards of Ascension

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Here’s a short article I submitted to the Edge magazine regarding the topic of Ascension. Please enjoy!

While meditating, a vision appeared to me: a multitude of people were climbing up the terraced steps of a pyramid-shaped mountain, covering all sides of it. They represented humanity on different levels and places in their evolutionary growth. Some were being helped up while others were turning around and pulling up someone below them as they made their way to the top. I realized this vision symbolized what we are striving to accomplish as human beings on earth…we are moving from the sleep of ignorance to the dawn of awakening of who and what we really are…our journey toward Self Realization. It could also be framed as path leading from suffering to bliss. This is a journey that we are all on whether we are aware of it or not. At this point in our human evolution, most of us are not aware in this moment that we are actually brilliantly free spiritual beings having a human experience, although that is rapidly changing along with so many other things these days.

As I journey on my own path of awakening, guiding some while being supported by others, ascension for me means becoming more fully present here and now in the body, feeling the richness of emotions as well as the myriad expressions of the senses. However, this is impossible to do for long periods of time because our thinking mind mostly operates from the past and pulls us into the future. Overcoming this dilemma of trying to maintain full presence then becomes a matter of proper identification – no longer identifying with our fluctuating emotions and thoughts, but rather with that which never goes away, the deeper sense of life and ‘beingness’ that is hidden within each one of us. Being fully present goes hand in hand with becoming more aware of who and what is always present in the body – our spiritual self.

When we only identify with our human self and the thoughts and feelings that rise and fall within us, we unconsciously operate from the conditioning and programming of our past. Frequently, painful emotions are avoided. However, the act of avoidance locks them in a repeating pattern within the body/mind system, while permitting them to be fully felt allows that emotional energy to pass through. When you know and identify yourself as the life that animates the body, when you know that as a soul you are role playing here and can never ultimately be harmed, then even painful emotions can be fully felt and understood not only as a different vibration in the body, but also as part of the rich human experience. By embracing all of our negative or painful emotions and releasing them in a healthy manner, we no longer are unconsciously influenced by them in a limiting way, and thus a filter falls away as we become clearer and lighter vessels for our soul to shine through. This process is one avenue or by-product of ascension.

After my vision, I wanted to commit it to canvas, but my artistic abilities stop at anything beyond a stick person. However, at a Christmas party, I met Laura Ungs who specializes in painting the concepts that people have in their minds. That beautiful painting now hangs in my office, a fitting place because my therapy practice focuses on guiding my clients to release and heal their limiting beliefs and emotions that were planted in the past, but continue to affect their present. Once the old programs are released or seen through, clients are no longer unconsciously governed by their limiting emotional patterns and they become freer beings. This healing then creates a ripple effect through the interactions of all their relationships.

This reminds me of a quote from Paramahansa Yogananda: “When you heal yourself, you do your part in healing the world.” As we become clearer and clearer vessels, no longer operating from our limited past programming and conditioning, the light within us, our true self, shines through our interactions with others in many ways. Ironically, the further we ascend the more beautiful and safe it becomes to be fully here and now. When we awaken and identify with our higher dimension that transcends space and time, we realize it has always been with us every step of the way…and ultimately it is who we are!


Past Life Regression to BodySound Chairs: Support for Awakening

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Past Life Regression to BodySound Chairs:  Support for Awakening

As human beings, we are in an unprecedented time of awakening and growth. Computers, cell phones, weaponry, you name it, with new inventions obsolete at an increasingly faster pace as we awaken to more advanced ideas and technology. This exponential growth is also apparent in the realm of consciousness, as a significant number of people are beginning to awaken from the sleep-like trance of the ego-identified state of being, and into a natural, transcendent and permanent part of their selves that is not governed by fear and separation. For most of us, this process comes in stages like a slow progression, but on rare occasions such as with Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie, the jump from inner turmoil to freedom can happen quite spontaneously and intensely. For those who aspire to awaken to what they already are, certain tools can assist to realize more fully their true selves that lie beneath the surface of the fears and the illusions of separation that helps create this human experience.

What obscures the connection with our natural free being? It is our identification with the steady stream of the mind — our subtle thoughts and beliefs, both conscious and subconscious. Identification with our mind is normal, of course, but it is also the reason behind 100% of our suffering, according the Buddha. Most of us do not realize that there is an aspect of us that is free from this thinking mind. However, when we finally do, it feels noticeably ‘more awake’ because it can observe this chatterbox mind. As the mind quiets through various practices like meditation and others mentioned below, there can be an increasing awareness of limiting subconscious thoughts and beliefs. As a result, a subtle gulf gets created between ‘you’ and this thinking mind. This slight, elusive shift marks the beginning step in the journey from bondage to liberation. Who or what is this constant observer that can notice changing moods and thoughts whether at 5 or 85 years of age? Who or what am I? This is the ‘self-inquiry’ question which sages encourage us to ask, because, if you seriously inquire, it will stop the thinking mind since there is no answer that the thinking mind can comprehend. What’s left is pure unfiltered presence/awareness…a dimension of our being that is firmly rooted in the eternal present moment. Like a movie screen that holds ever-changing images, this same presence/awareness is a backdrop for the ceaseless flow of content from our minds.

You can find many awakened sages on youtube these days. One of them is Leonard Jacobson, sage and author of Journey Into Now. “We live our lives according to our unconscious beliefs,” says Jacobson. We can’t let go of the beliefs that limit us until we become aware of them. If you want to find a false belief that limits you, you can usually find one under a negative emotion that you’re trying to avoid. Adyashanti, another sage and teacher, suggests that a primary spiritual practice could be to allow whatever has been long repressed and denied within ourselves to be finally seen and felt in the light of our full consciousness. Then, he says, the energy can release from your body/mind system and be integrated into the fullness of your being.

This is where past life regression comes in. It is an effective tool to help in this awakening process because it leads to the discovery of our subconscious blocks if we set an intention for this to happen. PLR is far more than just seeing a past life. It’s about transcending the mind’s tendency to control in order to allow a higher guidance system to give you precisely what will help you move to the next level. You not only see a life that will expose a limiting pattern or belief, but PLR also helps you identify with the part of you that transcends the ego-based thinking mind. First, the information can drop into your awareness only when the analytical mind is ignored or quiet. Secondly, you begin to identify with and experientially feel the soul part of you between the lives after the death of the past life. As a result, a deep silencing of thought is noticed as you become solidly anchored in the eternal Now, free of the mind’s chatter and clutter. What remains is a clear, shining, free being of clarity and awareness. You become like a bright light bulb that has wiped away the mental dirt that obscured it, exposing the still presence of clarity, love and pure creative potential beneath it. During these moments, one can experience what it feels like to be free of their limiting beliefs.

New technology can also help on our journey of awakening. After 17 years of research, local neurologist and inventor Dan Cohen, MD, created a ‘BodySound’ chair, which combines layered sounds and music with synchronistic vibration and magnets. The result of a ‘BodySound’ chair session is profound relaxation with a conscious quieting of the thinking mind, thus increasing awareness of what it feels like to be free of the fear-based identity of egoic consciousness. It opens up the body’s energy system to receive greater flow while simultaneously setting the stage for limiting beliefs and conditioning to be noticed and released. Cohen then founded a non-profit organization, Global Institute of Energy Healing Technology (GIEHT), dedicated to using science and technology to promote the energy healing of humanity through research, education and practice. More information about GIEHT, as well as a symposium on energy healing modalities can be found at www.energyhealingtechnology.org. The symposium is on Saturday, October 18, 2014. The evening prior, I will be doing a pre-symposium event of a group- guided past life regression immediately following a BodySound session.

The common denominator between self-inquiry, past life regression, BodySound technology, and any other process that helps quiet the chattering mind is that it exposes the ego for what it is…a bunch of thoughts. More precisely, a circular pattern of thoughts revolving around an image of ‘me’, created from our programming and conditioning. However, a very real part of us transcends this image. The more we abide in this larger Self, the more our limiting beliefs and repressed emotions rise to the surface to become liberated in the light of our full awareness. As a by-product, we can more easily remain fully present in whatever moment this human experience gives us.

An Eloquent Description of Experiences with Past Life

An Eloquent Description of Past Life Regression

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Recently a client shared with me her narrative of her past life regression experience. I am sharing it with you because it such an articulate description of how past life regression can work. Describing your experience can be quite a challenge. One of the first things people notice after a session is the lack of words there are to describe the experience. There is a reason for this…words and language belong to the thinking mind in this physical dimension, and the entire past life regression experience can only be done when this conscious thinking mind is a silent, uninvolved witness. Therefore, information drops into you as a “download” of intuitive inner knowings and feelings along with some visual impressions, like a strong intuitive hunch. Words can only describe the tip of the iceberg of your experience. In fact, describing what is happening during your regression can feel a lot like multi-tasking. But the most important part is that as the conscious thinking mind gives up control of the process, an entirely new information flow is accessible….the same information flow that might give you a strong intuitive knowing about something. And it gives you precisely what will be of most benefit to you, even if you cannot fully articulate beforehand what that is. This narrative provides an example of this. Enjoy!

Past Life Regression

As a preacher’s kid, and pretty mainstream thinker all my life, I was surprised at 49 to discover a new fascination with the concept of reincarnation and past-lives. I was experiencing some pretty major changes in my life and was not handling them gracefully, so I decided to see if a past life regression would help.  I seriously didn’t expect it to be life changing, and before the appointment, prepared myself to walk away believing that in fact it was a hoax.  I could not have been more wrong.

I did three regressions and a life between lives session over the course of a year, and as time went on, I began to see patterns.  While I generally had specific things I wanted to know, the most valuable insights I received had nothing to do with my questions, but everything to do with what was deep in my heart.  The questions I didn’t know how to ask became the topic of the story.

There were many similarities between the different lives that I found are also themes in my current life.  In three of the four lives, there was a big kitchen table that kept showing up, and significant things kept happening around it.  Even today, I love to cook and feed people. That same big table sits in the center of our home, and life still happens around it.  My current husband was also my husband in two of my lives, and my current sister was my wife in one.  In all the lives, I lived in rural areas, and spent a lot of time outdoors, often gardening, which is also true in this life.

I expected that if this whole past lives thing turned out to be legit, I would find some kind of dramatic wisdom, but in fact, most of the wisdom had an elegant simplicity to it.  In one life, there was an epidemic of some kind in our village, and we had to move.  The major scene in that life was the conflict between my husband and me as we dealt with my fear of change.  By the end of the life, we had happily settled in a new place and raised our family, and I died very happy.  The lesson?  Change is ok.  Relax and go with it.  That lesson is not an earthshaking revelation, but at that moment in time, in this life, accepting change was exactly what I was struggling with, and had been unable to see clearly through my fear.  Experiencing the regression and seeing myself successfully navigate a similar situation allowed me to handle the changes that were occurring in this life.  I found a peace that had been out of my reach before the regression.

The regression that had the greatest impact on me was a life where I was a man who was unable to connect with people.  Because of my self-imposed isolation, when I needed my community to help me save my land, they were not there for me. I lost everything, became a bitter mean man, and finally died alone and depressed. To those around me, I looked like a cranky old man, but inside, I was lonely and in pain, with no clue what was causing it or how to ease the pain.  The heaviness of the depression I felt in the latter part of that life was something I will never forget.

Initially I thought the lesson was about the value of connecting with people and learning to work in teams, which I still believe it was, but there was more.  In the weeks following the regression, another theme also began to emerge.  Visiting that life enlarged my understanding of what compassion really is, beyond sympathy for the poor and downtrodden.  Since the regression, when negative behavior is directed at me, instead of feeling attacked, I see pain and fear.  Having lived that pain, I have a different perspective, and tend to feel compassion rather than anger and resentment.  I can’t change people’s behavior, but I can change my own, and find a healthier and more compassionate way to respond.  It has made a huge difference in how I work with people!

By far the most comforting result of these regressions is that I have lost my fear of dying.  Do I want to die now?  No.  But I have experienced death four times, and I can confidently say that it is not the end; it is just the beginning of another season in the eternal life of my soul.  Death, from the soul’s perspective, is neither difficult nor the end, and the place we return to, whatever you choose to call it, is a place of love.

What it means to awaken

What Does it Mean to “Awaken?”

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are many ways to talk about awakening. In one sense, “awaken” means to shift from the identification with the ego self to identification with the spiritual self. The ego operates from all of the programming and conditioning learned through life experiences, while the spiritual self transcends the physical reality.

Keep in mind we are multi-dimensional beings…part of us grows and changes physically, mentally, emotionally and also as a soul. However, another part of us does not. What part of you doesn’t change? What part of you can say “I’m sad” when you’re five, and then 50 years later can say “I’m sad”? Who or what is this permanent “I” that can notice  feelings and beliefs that come and go? There’s a dimension of you that transcends your ego-based emotions and beliefs, as well as your body. As we awaken we begin to become aware of this permanent life within and yet beyond the form.

One result of awakening is freedom from the fear-based conditioning that the ego lives from and is governed by. Fear is a major component of the ego. Ego = Separation. It’s true that we have separate bodies, but it’s more true that we are souls using a body, and even truer that all souls come from the same one energy source. To fully awaken means to live from the One Self. Christ consciousness means oneness consciousness, and that is why Jesus was also known as Christ, and preached about treating others as yourself…because ultimately they are your Self.

Therefore, waking up is really a radical shift in identity, according to Adyashanti. To awaken is to begin to live from the vantage point of spirit, which is what you can never really separate yourself from because you ultimately are it. To fully awaken is to understand this first as an intellectual concept, then from the heart, and finally from the gut as an absolute inner knowing.

Another way of deciphering your ego self from your spiritual self is to view it through the frame that author Neile Walsch puts it. He suggests that all human thought and actions are based in either fear or love (ego or spirit). He articulates, “Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs, hides, hoards, harms. Love is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares, heals.” He says, fear judges, is intolerant, lies beneath anger and holds onto it, whereas love empathizes, is tolerant and seeks understanding. Fear feels lack. Love feels wholeness, completeness, that all needs are met. Fear separates, divides, and is based on conditional acceptance. Love sees and feels Oneness. Love unites, and is based on unconditional acceptance. The communication of fear is vague, indirect and withholding of truth, whereas the communication of love is clear, direct, honest and specific.

Where does the love in your heart come from? You are not separate from it. It is there at your core when you peel back the layers of the ego-self. You can fully experience this with any deep inner journey experience like past life regression or life-between-lives, because the ego-self is rendered silent during these inward sojourns.

In closing, here is some pertinent wisdom from Tarun Sardana: “We don’t need a reason to be happy. We need a reason to be unhappy. Happiness is our real nature. When a seeker reaches the Self, bliss is experienced, as that is the very nature of the Self. To make a river flow, we need not give any instructions or reasons. We just need to remove the barriers that we have put up and the river will start flowing on its own because flowing is its very nature. In the same way, bliss is the very nature of the Self, one needs no reason to welcome it; just remove the barriers of the ego-self and the Self shall show up as Sat-Chit-Anand (truth-consciousness-bliss).”

To wake up is to know who and what you really are, and then to live from this place. It’s what we are all trying to learn, whether we are conscious of it or not.

Past Life Regression’s Greatest Attribute

Reading Time: 4 minutes

One of the most important insights that past life regression offers is the realization that you are an immortal being. This truth more deeply sinks into the subconscious mind as a result of connecting to the soul part of you that already knows this truth, and the trickle-down benefits are subtle, yet profound. You are a soul here and now, which means that you never die. Something that would significantly help the planet would be for individuals to wake up to their immortality. Evidence of our immortality is reflected in the thousands of cases of accurate past life recall.

As we deepen in the awareness of our immortality, it slowly dawns on us that we are merely role-playing here. The goal of this game of human life is to find lasting happiness. We search outside of ourselves for awhile until a turning point in the soul’s evolution steers our focus inward. As we deepen our search, we can experience peace, lightness and love, until one day we realize that these states are not states at all, but characteristics of the deepest part of our being, available when we’re free of the mind’s buzzing turmoil. Eckhart Tolle points out that the key to this freedom is to take the focus off of the content of our minds and place it on the eternal ‘beingness’ or pure, unfiltered conscious-awareness that provides the backdrop of all of our mind’s content…the part of you that can be aware of a passing mood or thought. Yet forgetfulness happens repeatedly, and again we identify with the human part of us that is burdened with our opinions and worries until we once again remember the truth of our being.

The human experience is one of forgetfulness, and also of getting lost…lost in the world of the mind and all of our beliefs about what’s true, about who we are, and things on the ‘to-do’ list. This is my challenge, as well as most of us.

A natural quality of waking up to the most permanent part of you is acceptance. As we live from surrendered acceptance, we can fully participate in the ups and downs that life offers without wanting to escape or be fearful. There is a natural acceptance of ‘what is’, even if it brings unwanted emotions, because it becomes safe to fully feel emotions. When you know you’re role-playing, any emotion can be a rich, textured experience, even the grief from loss. I know people who won’t allow themselves to love again because of the pain of loss. Past life regression usually unveils the illusion of loss, making it safe to love, and feel hurt, and then deeply love again. It also cuts through the illusion of fear, allowing you to know what it would feel like to securely live from your full potential, free of any limiting beliefs and subtle anxieties that hold you back.

A natural acceptance of other’s beliefs is an important, key by-product of identifying with our true immortal selves, given the diversity on our planet. Nobody’s beliefs or dogmas, including our own, need to be taken personally. It’s recognized that all beliefs are products of the human conditioning process, and who and what we ultimately are transcends all beliefs. Then we can accept one another. We don’t have to agree with or even like each other’s limiting beliefs, but there can be a recognition that beneath all beliefs there is something in common….we are immortal, we come from the same energy source, and we have each blindly forgotten this truth. Yet that’s not a problem, because it’s that way by design. It’s the play of the divine Oneness, also known as God’s “Lila” in the Hindu tradition, that we’re all a part of. The goal of this play is to awaken to who we really are, and therefore out of our judgments of ourselves and others. Adyashanti, an awakened teacher, says the best indicator of our spiritual growth is how accepting and tolerant we are with those of opposing belief systems. From the vantage point of the highest dimension of yourself, there is no effort to accept, you are acceptance itself because everyone and everything else is a part of you, whether they’re conscious of that fact or not. Furthermore, it’s impossible to be separated from this part of you, as it’s the backdrop of your beingness. It merely gets overlooked during the human hypnotic experience. A deep inner journey, whether self-guided or guided, can make this evident.

It has been said by many these days that it is imperative that we wake up to our immortality which transcends all of our worries and judgments about ourselves and others. When we can sense and know the sameness beneath our differences, then we can realize that we are all one consciousness, albeit lost and operating through seven billion unique filters of programming and conditioning, resulting in various degrees of suffering. The natural emotion that arises from this realization is compassion. The differences that divide can be washed away by a mere perception shift towards truth and away from the illusion that is mind-created. As Thich Nhat Hanh says, “We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” That which divides is illusion. In fact, the only thing that separates anyone from all of their divine qualities is an illusory thought and perspective. This is not a philosophy, but a truth that can be known only in one’s own direct, immediate experience. Deep inner journeys such as past life regression can help you remember not only the truth of yourself, but also offer a glimpse of the reality behind the trials of human life. What is the next level of evolution that your soul is nudging your personality to experience? Go within and find out.

An Eloquent Description of Experiences with Past Life

Changing Times

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the consciousness level of the planet rises, we can see evidence of this not only in the conflicts of the world, but also the fact that most people’s mental and emotional issues are beginning to surface….all for the sake of growth and evolution. Dr. David Schnarch, author of the book Passionate Marriage, puts it in a beautiful way: “Nature has an eloquent way of holding our happiness hostage, and the price for ransom is our own development.”

This shifting of consciousness is a time of re-evaluating past beliefs, old systems of doing things and out-dated modes of operation.  Everything from past authoritarian governments that rule with an iron fist, to our own personal beliefs, is challenged.

One belief to re-evaluate is how we react to uncomfortable emotions. It may seem that life is about avoiding the uncomfortable feelings, situations or emotions that arise. But this strategy back-fires because of the Law of Attraction. Life events happen that will trigger whatever thoughts, feelings and beliefs within you that no longer serve you. So the best way to move past an issue within you is to fully face it, feel it in your body, extract the gift of insight and wisdom that is contained within it, and release what no longer serves you from your body/mind system. This is how you can change yourself from within. It is then that we realize that the subconscious fears that have been governing our lives turn out to be paper tigers of pure imagination, and we can begin to operate in a manner that is freer and easier. The Present Life Emotional Healing session is an effective means to experience this.

Many times, a soul’s greatest work here on earth can be simply summarized as, “Stop believing the false mind programs.” It’s our egoic mind programs that hold us back or make us feel “less than” or not good enough. Probably the best thing about past life regression is that it connects you to the ‘you’ that is free and transcendent of the ego’s negative conditioning. The false programming that you were given doesn’t make any sense from the soul’s viewpoint, so it’s quite a respite to experience your true self without it. The unconscious mind programs that had been governing your life stick out and seem ridiculous. An awakened teacher, Neelam, once said, “First things first. First find out who and what you really are, and then see if your problem still makes any sense.”

Life Between Lives Session

A Life-Between-Lives Narrative

Reading Time: 11 minutes

Recently a client wrote up a descriptive narrative of his Life Between Lives experience. The following is an account of an advanced soul. I felt it would be interesting and beneficial for anyone interested in reading it. Enjoy.


Life Between Lives Session [1-29-2013]



What follows is a description of my LBL (Life Between Life) session with Eric Christopher.  Eric is a Board Certified Regression Therapist from the International Board for Regression Therapy and is a Certified Life-Between-Lives Therapist who trained with Dr. Michael Newton (Journey of Souls).  The session was nearly four hours long, so there is much to describe.  The following will depict what happened thematically, not necessarily in the order in which it was experienced.  And it will take the form of a narrative rather than a form including prompts and responses.  Many aspects of the experience had more nuance than I had the ability to express during the experience.  Therefore, I may add more description and texture to this narrative than I had originally expressed during the session.


I was first directed to regress to a past life that would be beneficial for me to view (not necessarily the last life I lived).  I quickly was drawn to a piece of heavy orange cloth.  I immediately recognized it as the saffron colored robe of a Buddhist monk.  (It will not come as a surprise to those who know me at all that I would be drawn to a such a  life.)  The scene expanded until I saw myself as a young monk wearing saffron orange robes standing in front of a temple.

Then I jumped back to my childhood where, as a young child, I had been identified by a couple of elder monks as some sort of special incarnation.  As such, I was relinquished by my mother to the monastery where I was raised by monks and given special spiritual training.  My mother was both very proud and very sad when they took me away to the monastery.  I lived a very happy life at the monastery.  Many different monks were involved in my training and education.  Each had specialties that he taught me.  I learned quickly and was adept at many spiritual things.  I was able to astral project at will, and had powers to do such things as raise large boulders with my will.  I had many other powers.  Eventually, I grew older and my robes switched from saffron to the ochre color worn by certain senior monks.  The sheer joy of having such powers eventually gave way to serious responsibility.  I needed to deal with the needs and demands of all the monks around me.  After many years of apprenticeship and spiritual adventure, there were many years of responsibility.


This life comes to an end during a siege of the monastic temple.  A very small group of senior monks (including me) stood in our ochre robes in front of a semicircle of a large group (100 or more) saffron robed monks preparing for an attack by an army.  As monks who live by a spiritual code, we were allowed to fully defend ourselves, but we could not take the offensive on the soldiers who are attacking the temple.  They have cannons.  We have spiritual powers to blunt the force of the canons.  I know when I am standing in front of the monks that I will die in this battle.  I am looking forward to the adventure of death.  Our group of senior monks had set up a strategy to use our energetic powers to neutralize the attacking army as much as we can.  We were organizing the other monks to carry out this strategy.  The soldiers end up destroying part of the temple, but the spiritual power of the monks is successful in neutralizing much of their destructive force.  In the end, the army retreats because it becomes apparent that it cannot win the battle outright.  It’s a stalemate.

As I expected, I am mortally wounded in the battle.  Many monks gather around me and try to use their powers to keep me alive, but it is my time to die.  Again, I am looking forward to it.  The ochre robed elders will miss me, but that is tempered for them because they understand life and death.  One young saffron robed monk standing near me is distraught by my death.  My spirit goes up behind him, and I touch his shoulder.  He is aware of this.  It both reassures him and makes him miss me more.  But it helps him understand that death is not the end.  I quickly shoot up above the scene into the heavens and leave it behind.

Off To LBL Land
After my death, no tunnel or guides showed up.  I rose up into the sky and then flew like a light beam though the cosmos for what seemed like a considerable time.  I flew through something like a meteor shower that acted as a cleansing process.  Then I began to descend, gaining density as I did.  I felt as if I were falling between two haystacks, or more precisely, two feather-stacks.  Eventually I became aware of my spirit group.  I was finally standing still but was separated from other spirits by something like a gauze curtain.  One of them stuck something like a shepherd’s hook through the gauze substance and pulled me into their space.  I found myself standing with three other Buddhist monks.  There is an immediate transference of some memory.  The four of us comprised our soul group.  We were all very happy to be back together.

I needed to heal and rejuvenate my spirit in a small domed area set aside for that.  “Cells” were repaired and memory was returned.  My energy level accelerated, and the robes I was wearing disappeared.  After the healing, I felt more coherent and present, and I was reunited with my group.  At this point, we have all lost our bodies and our genders.  All four of us are light forms.  I am relieved about the genders because the idea that all four of us were male had initially disturbed me for some reason.  There was a sense that identification with either sex limits the vibrational level.  My group of four looked like pillars of white light streaked with purple.  We weren’t solid beams.  We looked more like a large number of thin light beams bundled together to make a single form.  It struck me that we looked rather like Star Trek characters being beamed somewhere.


At this point, we took some time as a group to explore my last lifetime.  We sat together on a marble floor under a dome built to enhance energy as we talked about the foibles of our past lives.  There was great kindness and much humor involved in the reviews.  There was a spirit equivalent of belly-laughing when we examined the fact that I had taken my monk spiritual powers so seriously.  The powers that felt so marvelous as a human were largely inconsequential as a spirit.


Then the discussion got more serious.  My group pointed out that I had missed something in this life by not having grown up in a family and that the primary accomplishment of my lifetime was in showing much kindness to others.  The group showed how the acts of kindness were passed on to yet others and formed an outward wave.  There was tenderness in their recall of the small kindnesses as well as the sense of humility with which they had been performed.  It was obvious that these seemingly insignificant acts of kindness are a important gauge as to the value of one’s incarnation.


There were some unspoken requirements as to what qualifies as “kindness”.  Kindness requires a certain intent.  It can’t be done for any sort of gain, even the most subtle kind.  One can’t expect any recognition or gratitude or reward.  If it is done for any of those reasons, it does counts as better than poor behavior, but it doesn’t count as selfless kindness.  Expressions of gratitude or reward can accepted with humility as long as there was no expectation or hope of receiving it.  Any such expressions need to be acknowledged and quickly dropped lest they take on a life of their own.  Especially, there can’t be any sense of pride connected with the act.  We aren’t “better” because we perform acts of kindness.  Acts of kindness need to be performed simply because one has the opportunity to perform them.  The act has to be released like a little bird being given its freedom.  The bird might fly back and might not, but it needs to be released with the expectation that it will fly away.


Finally, I had an interesting sense of one other aspect of this issue.  What seems to be really at work with this kindness issue is that it functions as an exchange of Oneness.  The acts of kindness described here could be called selfless acts.  And, in a very real sense, that is what they are.  It is the One interacting directly with the One without any contamination or dilution by the self.  It is through such acts that the One comes to recognize itself in Other.  So in a sense, selfless acts of kindness are a type of sacrament.  And that is why they are so treasured in the LBL region.


LBL Levels
I was able to explore a couple of things relating to LBL Land.  First there is the concept of spiritual levels.  It seems that while in a sense there are levels, such a concept is really a human construct.  I got the sense that what we are really talking about in this realm is “densities” and their relationship with experience.  Newer souls (which I called “Newbies” during the session) seemed to have a denser vibration.  The more incarnations a soul experiences, the less density it has.  In human experience, dense things tend to be heavier and lower than less dense things because of gravity.


So while we tend to express these concepts in human language, we start using terms that are helpful in a sense but lead to human buckets that begin to lose accuracy.  So we can talk about new souls, older souls, and advanced souls.  However, what we are really talking about is souls with few incarnations and much density, souls with more incarnations and less density, and souls with many incarnations with just enough density to hold them together.  However, density here does not mean lower because we are not dealing with gravity.


A sense of hierarchy does not seem to exist in this realm.  A sense of varying density does.  I experienced walking among a large group of newbies and realizing they were mostly unaware of my presence.  The newbies were all dressed in white togas with dark blue trim worn proudly, like fraternity jackets.  Then, as I walked among souls that had a moderate number of incarnations, they were more likely to be aware of me.  It was apparent that incarnations were the key to what I was seeing.  However, at the same time, I was aware that not all beings in the LBL  realm incarnated.  I felt but did not deal with them.


There was a sense that newbie teachers have their hands full.  Yet, that said, no one “looks down on” newbies.  Instead they are observed with more of a watchful curiosity.  Every soul watching was a newbie at one point.  None ever forget that.  So every soul does what it can with great gentleness, patience, and support.  The spirit world is an incredibly patient place.  While it is difficult for advanced souls to interact with newbies due to vibrational differences, their very presence is transformative for them.


Life Reviews
I had a glimpse into two incidents where I was involved in the life review of other souls.  One was the review of a kind of intermediate density soul who had just returned from a very difficult life.  In this review, I sat behind a bench on a raised dais (like a judges’ bench) looking down at the returned soul.  From the returned soul’s perspective, the review must seem quite daunting.  Certainly there is some parallel with human court rooms where a conscious attempt is made to ensure that the plaintiff feels the full impact of the court’s authority.  Yet the sense from the souls on the judges’ bench is one of role playing to ensure that the returned soul reaps the rewards of some hard learned lessons.


In the review in which I participated, souls from different levels are represented and each had specific roles to play.  One judge to my left pretended to be tougher than he actually was because that is what was called for to make a necessary impression.  Others balance this impression.  Kind of good cop / bad cop.  This soul being reviewed had been badly abused as a prisoner, but he had shown much kindness to others in the midst of his misery.  He proud to have made great progress in this life.


Then I was part of another life review with a soul from my level.  No bench is evident in this review.  We sat on the floor with this soul and just talked.  This soul wasn’t required to incarnate but lived a life just to remember what incarnations were about.  There was no judgment with this soul, just different things being pointed out.  This soul returned with the realization of how easy it is to get caught up in thinking life is all there is and developed great empathy for how seductive incarnations can be.  This soul was very, very relieved to be back.


ETs Etc.

There was some exploration of my connection to and my lives in non-human incarnations.  This part of the regression is a bit “fuzzy” compared to the rest of the session.  While some of these images seemed quite vivid at the time, they seem faded and disconnected in retrospect.  The lack of memory of this material is very curious to me.


The exploration of ET existences included previews of future lives.  There was some bouncing around between different lives with intervening times back in LBL land.  I had the sense of going to school and then coming home. The energy involved felt wonderful.


There was a stream of other visions.  I saw one lifetime as a humanoid ET in subtle type of uniform.   It felt like a very peaceful life.  I saw a time living in a city that floated in the air above the surface of a planet.  I felt my energy divided between that world and ET world at same time.
I saw myself in communication with a mantis being.  In ET folklore, the mantis beings are at the top of the hierarchy and are described in terms of wise elders to whom all other beings in the universe defer.  I have read as well that they are credited with having something to do with the creation of the universe itself.  I sensed it was an honor to be allowed to talk with this being. I felt humbled and felt some sort of bond between us as well.  I got the sense from this being that a spiritual shift is coming and that this shift will help movement to the One.


Again, this material was less coherence in retrospect, so it is difficult to draw any broader sense of meaning.

So …
I explored several questions that I had prepared ahead of time.  My primary question had to do with my main purpose in this life.  I long felt that I had a special purpose in life, a special job to perform. This feeling was accompanied with a feeling that I had “volunteered” to live this life at this time.  I wanted to know if I have lived my life on target, or have I wasted my time?  Looking back over my life, it feels like I’ve accomplished a lot of the things that don’t make any difference on the other side and have not accomplished much else.


What I found here was similar to what I found in reviewing the past life as a monk.  In that life flashy spiritual powers weren’t considered a primary accomplishment.  In this life, my purpose seems to have been connected to helping Earth and humans to transform into a new era.  As such my energy as a being was more important than what I actually do.  My job, it seems, was simply to BE.  My sense was that beings with the right kind of energy have been placed all around the earth (in the same way that David Wilcock talks about cathedrals & pyramids and such being placed at energetic points) to help change the earth’s vibration.


I had the sense that one other from my soul group incarnated in this same general area where I reside, and the other two live in a distant location.  The job of the four of us is to BE and to balance energies.  I felt my brother is a part of my original soul group from which my current group had split off earlier.


More on LBL Levels

I had requested during the session that I be allowed to explore LBL land in respect to animal spirits.  When prompted to seek out animals. I quickly dropped down a few levels (i.e., increased my density) to find dogs.  Not far beneath newbie humans, I found a huge field of dogs.  I felt great harmony among the dogs.
I then looked for dolphins and found them (interestingly) just above newbie humans. They were filled with graciousness.  I sensed that they come to Earth to help change the planet’s energy.  Dolphins and whales apparently have a stunning effect on the energy of oceans.


I saw more levels and sensed that everything is layered, yet it isn’t not layered “sequentially” (whatever that means).  Again human/earth concepts get in the way of understanding.  In LBL land, we can go down layers to help.  We cannot go up, presumably because there is nothing to offer a level above where we are located.

Future of Earth
I was directed to see if I could ascertain the future of planet Earth.  I’m not sure about what I saw because it corresponded to assumptions I already had.  Either my assumption affected what I saw, or my assumptions are affected by what I already know on some level.  Take your pick.


I generally saw calamity.  As a result, the habitable space on the planet is reformed.  Earth has a significantly smaller population.  Newbie souls are tending to incarnate elsewhere.  A different soul pipeline is now connected to Earth.  Earth humans, more intelligent about their spirituality, are able to coexist naturally with animals.  Animals, in turn, have intense awareness of interconnectedness with humans and spirit world.



The End

How to Love Yourself

How to Love Yourself

Reading Time: 3 minutes

One day when I was leading a group, someone shared that their goal was to learn to love themselves, but felt it was an impossible task. Others agreed with this statement. Most of them were either bombarded with an endless barrage of negative self-talk, or they felt strong guilt from some past actions. I offered that the easiest way to love yourself is to really know your yourself…to realize that you aren’t who you think you are. The ‘you’ that you have a hard time loving isn’t really ‘you’. You are not your programming and conditioning. Negative thoughts about self come from somewhere, they all have a beginning point in an event or circumstance – you’re not born with these thoughts, unless there’s a past life influence, but even then they began at some point in that past life or the one before, etc. Sometimes the programming can be subtly and unconsciously passed down through the generations, with parents influencing their children based on how they were raised, how love or anger was communicated or not communicated.

Just like you can open the hood of a car to explore how it’s wired and how it works, you can engage in deep self-reflection to see how your programming and conditioning began. An effective way to do this exploration is to go within to access a higher state of awareness. For example, if you have a strong feeling of guilt because of a past action, you could imagine floating above that scene and investigate what was going through your mind at the time. Perhaps you did something regretful because at the time you thought you were gaining or getting something from it, given the mindset that you had of yourself and the world at that time. The only purpose of guilt is to point to what you could do differently next time, and in that moment of awareness you are doing precisely what your highest purpose in life is…to learn, grow, evolve and awaken. The primary way humans learn is by making mistakes. So from the viewpoint of your soul, mistakes are only seen as an opportunity to grow, and in that moment of seeing, your soul is happy. The highest part of you is timeless and guiltless; it doesn’t care how long it takes to get a lesson. Just as you can tinker with a machine to make it run more smoothly, we can be aware of the amazing impact we would have on ourselves and the world if we released the negative thought programs that govern our life and replace them with clarity, confidence, creative potential and freedom – all qualities of our truest self. We’re not here to berate ourselves, or remain stuck and recoiled in fear and guilt, living from a false sense of self. We’re here to challenge ourselves to shine and thrive, to learn to live from our potential, and to experience that the joy of doing so feels better, freer and “more real”.

You are the infinite being that can be aware of a passing mood or thought, and investigate where beliefs originated. There’s a part of you that can be aware of your thoughts. Who or what is this ‘I’ that can say ‘I’ feel happy, and then can notice ‘I’ feel sad 10 minutes later? Thoughts, moods and beliefs can come and go, but the more permanent ‘real’ you is the constant, unchanging awareness, forever anchored in the here and now, that can notice the mind’s ever-changing moods and thought patterns, like watching sticks or debris washing down a stream. The awakened sage, Eckhart Tolle, says the next step in human evolution is to become aware of our thoughts, thus creating a gulf between ‘us’ and our thought patterns. Therein lies the difference between suffering and liberation. It depends on where we place our identity…the ever-changing mind or the mysterious, expansive, boundless awareness that can witness it.


What is a Past Life Regression?

What Past Life Regression Really Is

Reading Time: 8 minutes

To many people in our western culture, past life regression can seem far-fetched. I understand this. Growing up as a pastor’s son, we didn’t talk much about reincarnation, much less about past life regression. The purpose of this article is to explain the process in a way that makes more sense, not only for those whom the concept of reincarnation is new, but also for those who are considering doing a past life regression someday. This article is even for those who have already experienced it, because anyone who has ever gone deep into a past life regression knows that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to fully describe it in words…and there’s a good reason for that. After 23 years of guiding over 4,000 clients through past life regression, I want to articulate how the process unfolds.

We are multi-dimensional. In western culture, our primary identity is a body that has a soul. Yet it would be far more accurate to think of you as a soul who is using a body. If you’ve ever witnessed a dead body that had his or her eyes open, you’d notice that something seems obviously different than when they were alive. The life, energy and consciousness is missing, the animating light called the soul is gone from their eyes. The body then appears like a shell and who and what they really are is no longer attached to their body. The part of you that lives on after you leave the body is pure energy. You can’t harm or destroy a soul because it is outside of this physical dimension. The energy particles are vibrating at a much higher frequency and consequently no longer visible to our sight, similar to a fast-moving fan blade.

So this is what you are now as you read this – a soul using a body. The ‘relatively real you’ never dies. The body is released and you transition to a higher vibrational state, and then eventually return to a different body to continue your soul’s mission (usually). Perhaps the strongest evidence of this is the multitude of cases in which people remember intricate, personal details of past lives and then later verify them. I won’t go into that here, but for those who are interested, there’s a website dedicated to many of these cases…reincarnationresearch.com, especially note Ian Stevenson’s research. Or visit victorzammit.com. Or go to youtube and type in “Children Who Remember Past Lives.” Anyway, the point is that as a soul, you are eternal, indestructible and transcendent of this dimension of time and space, and these days there’s enough evidence of that that even a logical minded skeptic can believe in reincarnation just on the sheer evidence.

What keeps you anchored in this realm of time and space? Your identification with the body, along with your full focus and attention being placed on all of the objects in this physical dimension, such as another person, a tree, a cat, etc., rather than on the life energy behind these forms or even between the space of objects. Not only that, but at a young age you begin to subtly identify with all the mind programming and conditioning from each life experience that goes along with the growing up of this body. So we take the body and the conditioning of the mind to be who and what we are, rather than the life energy force that animates the body and transcends this existence. It is why awakened sages have compared the human experience to “the greatest slight of hand card trick.”

So if you’re already this eternal being, you should be able to tune into what you already are, the part that lies beyond this realm of time and space. How? You begin by withdrawing your focus and attention from this outside, material world and turn it inward. Hypnosis is a great tool to do this, quickly creating the effect of an extremely deep meditation. To the degree that you ignore your left-brain or analytical mind, and instead focus entirely on the right-brain’s intuitive flow of information in the present moment, is to the degree you begin to tune into and resonate with this eternal part of yourself. The logical left-brain is an important tool to navigate and live in this physical dimension, but it certainly blocks you if you want to experience the higher vibrational dimension, and the soul aspect of yourself.

Past life regression is an efficient means to ‘tune into what you already are’ because it offers a slow, steady, systematic method: You first allow yourself to ‘un-identify’ with the dominant thoughts surrounding your current body. Then allow yourself to identify with a different body/mind personality that begins to form in your awareness. It is important to focus your full attention on the intuitive information that drops into your consciousness regarding this different body/mind, while simultaneously letting go of your left-brain’s analytical tendency to comment on that information. Another way to say this is to experience the information that comes to you by sensing and feeling it with your body wisdom. As you do so, a slow unraveling of information regarding that life will drop into awareness piece by piece in the form of mental pictures, emotions or intuitive insights as the journey of that life becomes increasingly clearer. The information may alternately come to you from the 3rd person or 1st person point of view. The life may take unexpected turns, but eventually you’ll get an impression of the end of that past life. This is the point where you begin to slowly identify with the lighter dimension of your soul-being that experiences a variety of lives for its own journey of growth, evolution and awakening.

As you continue to focus your full attention on the experience of tuning into and moving deeper into soul identification, you’ll notice the following: A deep sense of well-being; the continual mind chatter in the back of your mind completely stops and is replaced with a vast, expansive, calm awareness that feels like a higher version of ‘you’; information ‘drops into’ you in a very different manner than usual….the reason that words cannot describe it is because words belong to the realm of our mind, and now information comes from beyond the mind in what can best be described as a ‘telepathic download’ of simultaneously occurring pictures, sense impressions, insights and/or instantaneous intuitive ‘inner knowings’. Clients notice that words feel inadequate to describe what they’re experiencing, as if words capture merely the tip of an iceberg. As you continue to tune into and resonate increasingly more with the soul aspect of self, the above characteristics become more pronounced, and insights that drop into you are permeated with love, clarity, wisdom and selflessness because there is no more sense of self that is lacking anything. From this higher state of vibration, you have access to all the love, joy, peace, security and creativity that was ever lacking in the human experience, should you choose to place focus and attention on it. At this point, there’s a deep sense that your ‘real’ self is actually never separate from these qualities. Most clients will feel this higher dimensional aspect of themselves towards the later part of the session. And if they go even deeper during a Life-Between-Lives session, they may notice that there is very little information that they do not have access to.

Keep in mind that we are multi-dimensional beings. So past life regression is ultimately an exercise in tuning into the spiritual aspect of self that is vibrating at a faster rate, a rate that allows you to move closer in resonance with the spiritual dimension of guides and departed loved ones, as well as accessing information that will enable you to grow, evolve and awaken. From the soul’s higher vantage point, it becomes clearly evident which subconscious thoughts and beliefs are holding you back and limiting you, as well as who gave them to you and which life experiences caused them to take hold. Most importantly, you know beyond words that they don’t belong to the ‘real’ you, so they can be released. It’s an exercise in awakening to a more conscious aspect of self. Carl Jung once wrote, “Healing is about becoming conscious of that which is unconscious.” Past life regression is certainly an excellent means of shining a spotlight on any unconscious, limiting beliefs or perspectives that are holding us back in life, in addition to experiencing the freedom of what it would feel like to let them go.

When you come to the session with an intent to gain a sense of another existence that you’ve had as an eternal soul being, especially with the intent to gain insight, clarity and resolution with any sort of problematic issue, your inner guidance system will show you a life that will be precisely for your benefit to see, and it will contain one or more soul lessons that will perfectly pertain to your present life situation. However, the process will be blocked if you try to consciously direct or analyze the session, because the information can only be accessed by tuning into a different, more subtle, intuitive stream of information.

The mystic Edgar Cayce once declared, “Imagination is the gateway to the soul.” This is true for past life regression. Your imagination launches this inner journey. The past life information then starts coming to you slowly and feels like you’re making it up. However, research shows that it may be an actual past life, a metaphor, or a mixture of both. I personally believe that most of the lives that clients perceive are actual lives their soul has lived, especially if you ask for it. Yet whatever life images you see or perceive is precisely what will help you move forward in some way in your life. The degree that you focus on whatever impressions your intuitive guidance shows you without analytical mind commentary, is to the degree that you’ll move deeper into the experience. Roughly 10 minutes after the first past life images begin to come, the session kicks into a ‘higher gear’ and information begins to drop into your awareness in that ‘telepathic download’ of images coupled with ‘intuitive knowing’ described above. It later begins to feel ‘more real’ as emotions may suddenly emerge out of nowhere, followed by the reasons behind the emotions 5-30 seconds later.

Paradoxically, even though the session begins by feeling like you’re making it up, it always ends at a level of consciousness that feels much more ‘awake’ and ‘aware’ than your ordinary, everyday level of consciousness. Trying to describe this state creates a conundrum. How do you describe a state of awareness that makes your normal, everyday level of waking consciousness feel like it’s asleep? As we tune more deeply into our soul self, we become increasingly anchored in the present moment. As this happens, it becomes more apparent that our ordinary states of waking consciousness rarely consist of being completely present…we’re usually lost in the world of our minds, subtly pulled into the future or past, along with the mind’s endless commentary, which according to sages is exactly where all of the suffering resides. So when you are free and separate from all of the mind’s negative self talk, limiting beliefs, continual chatter, etc., a vast, calm clarity replaces it, along with a ‘knowing’ beyond words that you are never separate from this clear, awake, peaceful awareness. This cannot be comprehended by the mind, because it’s a state of consciousness that is best described by Eckhart Tolle as “above thought”.

Thus, past life regression ultimately helps you connect to the truth of your being, the truth of who and what you really are, which can only be experienced when limiting thoughts and beliefs from the past are no longer part of the equation and your mind is silent. This truth can only be felt, sensed and known as a direct, immediate experience in the ‘eternal’ here and now moment, as it is unknowable by the mind…words can only point to it. Past life regression is an exercise that connects and anchors you in this higher level of consciousness. Most clients experience this sense of expansion by the end of the session.

After the client emerges, I often hear: “Wow! That wasn’t what I expected.” Indeed, it is an experience that is literally beyond words. There are few experiences as sacred, profound and holy as tuning into your own wholeness and completeness.

Approximately 95% of the time, clients emerge from a past life regression with a greater understanding of themselves, their soul, and their present life experiences. The degree of positive impact ranges from subtle to profoundly life changing, depending on the essence of the person, and the ripeness and readiness for change. There is a theme to this work: As you go within, your inner guidance gives you precisely what you need, usually to the degree that you are urgently seeking answers or resolution. The reason for this was simply put by one of my client’s spirit guides: “Just as the body’s instinct is to breathe, the soul’s instinct is to grow and evolve.” Thus, you tend to see what will be most beneficial for your growth as a person and as a soul, and problems tend to dissolve into solutions when viewed from the vantage point of our higher spiritual Self.