Spiritual Perspectives on Coronavirus

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Death is absolutely safe!” — Ram Dass

Some thoughts dropped into me as I listened to a client discuss her fears surrounding the Coronavirus… fears that are reflective of what many people are feeling these days, as stores are being sold out on many items such as disinfectants and toilet paper.

Fears can be used as tools to awaken. For instance, fears are designed to protect us. There is certainly a human part of us that needs and wants protection, and I can understand and empathize that this virus can be scary for many people. But if your goal is personal and spiritual awakening, the Coronaviris  provides an invitation to identify with the part of you that doesn’t need protection, that doesn’t die, that’s eternal and indestructible, that’s outside of time and space. And if you’re into a deeper level of awakening beyond the fact that we are soul beings, you can ask the questions, ‘”What part of us doesn’t come and go?, What part of our awareness is always anchored in the here and now, even before and after death?” We all ultimately come from one consciousness….divided into trillions of diverse individual perspectives.

I remember one of my teachers saying, “Death for most of us will be the single most joyous experience of our lives.” Indeed, as I research the afterlife more, I personally am looking forward to when and where there is no death, decay, disease, no need for money, no aging…where you mostly learn and grow, have reunions, follow your own interests, and you can travel at the speed of a thought.  A great book which provides evidence and glimpses into the afterlife is called The Joy of Dying, by Roberta Grimes, a lawyer and avid afterlife researcher. Another good book by a lawyer is called A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife, by Victor Zammit. He maintains that if evidence of the afterlife were presented in a court of law, it would win easily and unanimously.

Our ego self (which contains our fears, and which we’re mostly identified with in this life) doesn’t choose when we die…a higher, unconscious part of us does. We’ll leave this earth when it’s the right and perfect time for us to do so, so we don’t have to worry much about it. For instance, I have a friend who has tried to kill himself six times, to no avail. Doctors have said on more than one occasion that they don’t know how he’s still alive. On the other hand, I had a girlfriend die of breast cancer who wanted so badly to live. Our soul self chooses when we leave this earth realm.

When I shared some of these sentiments with my client, she said people need to hear this message because the antidote to fear is in it.

I’m sharing one spiritual perspective on it. Lately, I’ve read a few others worth reading. One is a great article called What is the Spiritual Perspective on Coronavirus?, by Ulla Sarmiento. It gives reassuring tips and perspectives to deal with the virus, and discusses what the virus teaches us. It points out that there are no sides to this virus, and all people and countries are unified in a vested interest in sharing how to best combat it. The earth is moving out of 3rd dimension energy which is based in separation, and into 4th dimensional energy, which is based in connectivity.

Another insightful article is by Joan Pancoe, a mystic and astrologer. She discusses, in her typical humorous way, beneficial insights, perspectives and activities to help calm the fear-based hysteria from the virus.