Life Between Lives Transcription

Case Study: Catapulting Straight into the Healing Wisdom of the Afterlife

Reading Time: 5 minutes

“At the center of your being you have the answers. You know who you are and what you want.”   – Lao Tzu


The above quote by the sage Lao Tzu could not have been more applicable the day my client Paul (name changed) came in for a past life regression session. He arrived feeling overwhelmed, depressed and extremely stressed because he was in the middle of a bitter divorce with his wife. He had experienced some suicidal ideation in the past, and did not want to slide down that path. They had two children under the age of 7 and he felt very protective of them. Both of his parents had a challenging life growing up in the inner city, and he wanted a better life for his kids. He lamented, “I wanted so badly for my kids to have a great life experience. I need to come to peace with my emotional pain. I want to grow through it and make sense of it. I need to calm my heart.” This was Paul’s first time doing any type of hypnotherapy.

I like to have my clients make a statement of intent for their inner journey session. Paul’s request to his higher guidance was, “Show me a life or lives that can most help me understand and heal my pain, calm my heart and move forward with clear direction in life.”

In my experience, a client will nearly always be shown a past life on earth before moving deeper into the spirit realm after the death of that life. A few minutes into Paul’s past life regression, however, I sensed that he was not describing an earth life.

Eric: When I play the tone, you’ll be standing in front of the dwelling that you live in. (singing bowl tone) What does it appear like, and what is it made of?

Paul: It’s a large, glass structure. The floor is the same material.

Eric: Notice a doorway, and move through it, allowing your eyes to adjust to the inside. How would you describe the furnishings?

Paul: The furnishings seem very plush.

It’s often at a mealtime setting that a lot of information about that life can come into awareness. When Paul began to describe the mealtime scene, I realized that he was describing life in a much higher dimension.

Paul: My meal just appeared out of thin air. I live by myself, but I don’t feel alone. I feel immense peace. My body is translucent. I am in tune with everything. I am in harmony with everything. I am part of everything. There is no pain here, only love. There really is no need here for food to survive.

Soon Paul began to notice other beings around. He focused on them and began to describe them.

Eric: Do you sense that you are familiar to them?

Paul: Yes, we know each other.

Eric: Do they seem male or female in appearance, or just like energy beings?

Paul: There is no gender. We can float and fly and greet each other. There’s a beautiful anticipation of wanting to connect, yet we know we’re intrinsically connected. There’s hundreds of them.

Eric: Are there any beings there that you are especially bonded with?

Paul: I don’t feel a closer bond with anyone in particular. I’m intimate with them individually and with all of them. We’re all ultimately the same and a part of everything, and we all know this. There’s no pain or suffering here. We have tremendous peace and love for ourselves and one another. It’s all so peaceful and full of love here. (long pause)

Eric: What else can you tell me about this place?

Paul: There’s no reason for pain or jealousy here like on earth. That is so juvenile. People on earth are so innocent. They just don’t understand yet. The interconnection is there on earth, but it’s covered up and no one sees it. There’s really no need for people to worry themselves about different things. It’s all about love, that’s what truly matters. There’s no need to take things personally.

It had been only about 45 minutes since we began the regression, yet Paul was experiencing a far different set of emotions and a much higher level of consciousness than when he came in. Neither one of us could have predicted that. And the awareness of his innate wisdom and bliss continued to grow as he moved deeper into his soul home and higher in the vibrational frequency of the spiritual realm. He began to describe some of the crystalline structures that he was seeing, yet seemed to focus more on the overall feeling of the place he was in.

Paul: The crystalline structures here have every color in it. And I can hear very beautiful sounds of nature. There’s a playful fun to experience this. This place is home. Everything makes sense here. There’s nothing to fear, no pain and no worry. It’s the most silent, immense peace. It’s pure joy. You can’t even call it rejuvenation because there’s nothing to rejuvenate, pain doesn’t exist here. There is no boredom…everything is extraordinary to experience. There’s nothing to seek or do, you just are.

Eric: What advice would this part of you want to give the Paul part of you?

Paul: There’s nothing to be afraid of. No need to spend so much time in your head. My children have their own soul lessons and earth challenges to grow from. I cannot protect them from everything. What seems so important on earth is not. Let go of what seems so urgent. One day I’ll be back here again. There is a knowing about that. Earth is a learning or testing ground, and not everyone gets it. They play off each other and learn, kind of like kids. It’s very hard on earth, but it’s truly love that saves the day. Forgive them because they don’t really know what they’re doing. The connection is always there, nothing is lost. There’s no need to go anywhere, and there’s absolutely no judgement. We’re trying to live on earth with this knowing. You already are whole and we are all One. Earth life has certain lessons to learn to help bring us back to what we already are. Earth has precious moments, gentle touches, but so many distractions. We need to learn to see through all the distractions to the beauty that’s always there.

There is a theme with past life regression and life between lives hypnotherapy work: As you go within, you get what you need, often when you need it the most. At a time in his life when Paul could most use it, he received the most beautiful and helpful gift of love, wisdom and reassurance…from his own higher self!

Perhaps the most profound message that Paul received was that he was not separate from the love, peace, joy, wisdom, understanding and interconnection that he was experiencing. He was part of it, and it was him…simply at a higher dimension within his multi-dimensional being. To have a felt, tangible, palpable experience of this was a life-changing experience for him.

After his session, Paul reflected on the perception shift that his inner journey brought him. It was immensely valuable while he continued to live with the challenges of his earth life. But now he could live life with a new perception based in a higher truth…and that changed everything for him.

In closing, I will refer to Paul’s own words towards the end of his session: “Happiness is already here. The Truth really does set you free!”