Entries by Eric Christopher

Q & A Interview with the Edge Magazine

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I was featured in the March 2018 edition of the Edge Magazine. I’d like to share it with you to give you some background about how I became interested in hypnotherapy. This interview shares details about my work and also who I am as a person. The article also gives me a chance to highlight […]

Uncovering the Source of a Mother’s Fear

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I’m sharing an example of a past life regression session because it demonstrates how this modality can be very healing on multiple levels. Past life regression often has a “trickle down” effect of alleviating all kinds of subtle fears, even ones that you cannot pinpoint and articulate because your Higher Self knows precisely what you […]

Healing the Sabotaging Beliefs of Unworthiness

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Nearly everyone feels confident at some times or in some areas of their life, while “not good enough” at other times. As the consciousness level of the planet rises, everyone’s “less than” programs are beginning to get triggered and surface because they don’t resonate to the high vibration frequency that is inherent to your true […]

“Early Visitations to Earth by Superior Beings”

Reading Time: 7 minutes

I’m sharing an article by Micheal Newton that was published in Fate Magazine back in March of 2001. For those not familiar with Michael Newton, I would say that his book Journey of Souls has been one of the top influential books in my life. When I read it in 1996, I finally knew what […]

A Time of Shifting Paradigms

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s pretty obvious these days that we are living in a time of shifting paradigms…in technology, health and spirituality, among others. It goes along with the raising of the consciousness level of this planet. Regarding technology, I recently came across an interesting article about how our lives will dramatically change in 20 years, according to […]

You Are Love

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This human experience is all about voluntarily being asleep and trying to live a life from the handicap of seemingly being cut off from Source and from our true authentic selves. When the time is right for you as a soul, you begin the spiritual process of awakening to who and what you truly are. […]

The Awakened Way

Reading Time: 5 minutes

This earth life offers each of us precise opportunities to grow and evolve to our next level. It is happening whether we are awake to it or not. All the while, there is one master soul lesson, and that is to awaken to our truest and highest nature. One can find many people who are […]

Dangers of Holding in Your Emotions

Reading Time: 4 minutes

A light bulb went off in my client’s head one day. He said, “Wow! I thought we were supposed to get through life by avoiding our issues and negative stuff, but you’re telling me the point of life is to face it, deal with it, heal it and let it go!” I was proud that […]

Past Life Regression: An Effective Tool to Expand Consciousness

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A few months ago, the Edge Magazine was looking for articles on the topic “Expanding Consciousness.” I immediately began writing about past life regression, almost as if I had no choice, because what many people don’t realize is that past life regression is a process that does exactly that…it automatically brings you to a higher […]

Each Person’s Uniquely Tailored Path of Growth and Awakening

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Ever notice how you read a book that subtly yet profoundly changes your life perspective in a positive way, and then when you enthusiastically share it with others, some may love it while others either don’t care or have a negative response to the book? I remember that happened to me 20 years ago after […]