Entries by Eric Christopher

Belief in God is an Obstacle to Knowing God

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Eckhart Tolle, the spiritually awakened teacher and sage, and author of The Power of Now, said: “A huge number of people are going through the process of awakening, some in the early stages, some in the later stages, and it’s wonderful to see.”  Indeed, evidence of this is seen through the website Batgap.com, which stands for […]

Case 1: Awakening to the Light and Love Inside of Us

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Our problems, personal as well as global, can be clear pointers to what no longer works for us, and therefore, they can be the starting point to reclaim our power. And even while we as individuals are stuck in a limiting pattern, there is a part of us that remains free from the constraints of […]

Case 2: Uncovering the Source of a Mother’s Fear

Reading Time: 4 minutes

This case study reveals how past life regression can be very healing on multiple levels. This modality often has a “trickle down” effect of alleviating all kinds of subtle fears, even ones that you cannot pinpoint and articulate, because it’s all about allowing the innate wisdom of your Higher Self to guide you. It knows […]

Case 3: Overcoming the Deep Grip of Shame

Reading Time: 5 minutes

“Just as our body’s instinct is to breath, the soul’s instinct is to evolve.” These words came from a spirit guide of one of my clients. Such beautiful and succinctly simple words of truth perfectly sums up what is evident in past life regressions…it’s all about growing, healing, evolving, and gaining clarity and insights from […]

Case 4: Healing a Frozen Shoulder

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Client Background A retired medical doctor (I’ll call him Jim) came in one day with a frozen left shoulder. He could not lift it very high at all. It had been bothering him for many years, and he had been to the Mayo Clinic several times and had tried a lot of alternative healing techniques […]

Case 5: A Mother’s Love

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Past Life Regression would probably be better understood if we changed the name to “Higher Self Therapy” because as you go within, the process consistently gives you precisely what you need to help you move forward in the way that you most need, especially if you ask for it.  The following case study is a […]

Case 6: Discovering the Roots of Anxiety

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Many of us are just beginning to understand and identify ourselves as multi-dimensional beings. Yes, we are human beings, but we are also spiritual beings using a body. This means that as we go deep within, we gain a respite from the busy world of our lives and of our minds. As we go deeper, […]

Case 7: A Narrative of a Life Between Lives session

Reading Time: 11 minutes

One of my clients wrote up a fascinating and descriptive narrative of his Life Between Lives experience. The following is an account of an advanced soul. Life Between Lives Session [1-29-2013] Prologue What follows is a description of my LBL (Life Between Life) session with Eric Christopher.  Eric is a Board Certified Regression Therapist from […]

Case 8: A Young Woman Remembers Her Prior Life as a Soldier in Vietnam

Reading Time: 9 minutes

A young woman in her early to mid-20’s came in to do a past life regression. It stands as one of the most fascinating cases that I’ve guided in over 20 years of doing this work. Since her soul had been an American soldier fighting in Vietnam prior to this life, the information that she obtained […]

Case 9: The Transcription of an Entire Life-Between-Lives session

Reading Time: 37 minutes

This full transcript of a Life-Between-Lives session reveals a captivating glimpse into the matter-of-fact life that follows our earthly lives. Although our lives are certainly real, they are relatively real. From the vantage point of the soul, these lives can seem like fictitious role plays that all have reasons and purposes behind them. This transcript also reveals […]