Experience insight, growth and healing by connecting with your own inner wisdom.

Past Life Regression, Life-Between-Lives Therapy, and Present Life Emotional Healing all reveal the same truth: You are already whole and complete, and you can never be separated from this aspect of yourself. However, this part of you is overlooked and clouded by limiting subconscious beliefs that prove to be false upon close examination. Healing and happiness is a perception shift away.

Past Life Regression Experience

Over the past 23 years, I have guided over 4,000 people through their past, outdated mental/emotional programming to their freedom within. Personally trained by Michael Newton.

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Informational Session

This 60-minute session can be used to get to know one another and as a pre-session to determine which type of session would be the best fit for you. It can be used to learn more about past life regression or my other therapy offerings, and to ask any questions. More…

Past Life Regression

Past life regression offers a deep journey inside to a wise aspect of yourself that most people aren’t aware that they possess. The result of this inner journey is always beneficial. People obtain clarity, insight and healing on the issues that are the most important for them. More…

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Present Life Emotional Healing Session

This session is ideal for healing and releasing trauma and also for seeing through the very subtle, self-sabotaging feelings and beliefs that underlie nearly all of our issues, such as feeling unworthy, “not good enough”, or the need to guard our heart to prevent us from loving too deeply and risk getting hurt, etc. More…

Life Between Lives Session

This 4-hour session was first created by my teacher Michael Newton. It enables you to very deeply tune into and resonate with the eternal soul aspect of yourself to understand your soul’s journey and purpose. Bring a list of any questions that you want answered as well as topics that you’d like more insight into. A past life regression is required first. More…

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Spiritual Psychotherapy

This session is a one-hour talk-level therapy session with a spiritual perspective to help you grow, evolve and awaken. It may also be used to help process and integrate the insights, healing and wisdom gained from your Higher Soul Self in a Past Life Regression, Emotional Healing session or a Life-Between-Lives session. More…

Client Experiences

A powerful experience! Eric’s work is deep and transformative. With his guidance, I have been able to successfully release feelings of anger, sadness and fear that I had been holding onto for so many years. After the session, I felt empowered, peaceful, and like a weight had been lifted from my soul. Eric will lead you to the core of any issue, emotion, or situation you are ready to let go of, and help you replace it with healing and light. He is truly a gifted healer and spiritual guide

I went into my session with a bit of nerves, as I didn’t know what to expect. Eric is fantastic at helping ease the tension and helping you relax right from the start. The nerves went away, and I had an amazing experience! I look forward to working with Eric again the future. I would strongly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a powerful, spiritual, healing, positive, and enlightening experience. Amazing!

I had been interested in doing a past life regression after a friend had completed one with Eric and could not stop talking about how powerful it was. Powerful was the perfect word to describe it. What I was able to uncover with Eric offered so much insight into current pieces of my life. Eric was wonderful to work with and made the journey comfortable and perfectly the experience I needed and desired.

Eric spends time to get to know you first, not just the issue you bring to him. Then through a deep, personalized and interactive guided meditation, he helps you get to information you couldn’t see before, dissolve the issue, and empower you through connection with your higher self. This description is very vague and hardly does his work any justice. It left a deep lasting impact. Furthermore, Eric is kind and truly wants to help. An amazing person, so glad to have met him!

I’ve achieved results from several different modalities with various therapists, but nothing I’ve experienced previously compares to my work with Eric. His intuitive and insightful approach, particularly with PLR and emotional healing, has helped me heal both issues I didn’t previously know existed as well as issues I’ve had a hard time addressing through other techniques. It’s clear that Eric has a gift and a calling around this work. I recommend him highly.

The emotional release session guided by Eric was amazing. I have been through ‘therapy’ many times without true resolutions, but they could not take me back to where it all began. I’m in awe at how much lighter I feel, that I can breath and that my angers and anxieties are almost non-existent. To view life with a whole new perspective is a blessing to my soul. Thank you Eric!

I came to Eric, buried in over my head with negative emotions related to a terrible trauma. I’ve seen Eric before and have found appointments to be a wise investment of time, energy, and money. I knew that seeing Eric would be helpful with the recent trauma, but had no idea just how healing it would be. I experience myself differently and no longer feel trapped. This was a life-changing session!

This was truly one of the most in-depth and amazing therapy sessions in my entire life. What a beautiful gift it is to have someone like Eric Christopher help guide you into your subconscious and pull out data to help sort out whatever is currently happening for you in this point of existence. Truly amazing and genuinely sweet and caring…Thank you!

This was life-changing. I can’t recommend Eric enough – I came away knowing my purpose, and the answers to the fear that has been holding me back in life. Seeing my guide and the source of all life was awe-inspiring! So much love for this wonderful teacher!

Eric is so skilled, gentle and powerful in his sessions. Thank you for leading me into my own deeper wisdom and knowing. The messages that came through to support me during this lifetime from other lifetimes are priceless. The veils are thinning and I have more access to experiences and information from the subtle realms of reality. What a gift!

Eric has forever changed my life. I know understand what exactly I need to be doing! Thank you Eric!

Great experience! The trauma healing session was a big step in my healing journey. It allowed me to let go of my attachment to my trauma on a deep level, whereas now I feel more at peace with my past and an overall sense of feeling lighter. I immediately felt comfortable and safe in the presence of Eric. I highly recommend him!

I have seen Eric twice in the past 5 years or so. The first time his therapy was spot on and freed me from past trauma. The most recent session he helped me release fear and uncertainty, make contact with my higher power, and now I am able to move ahead into the unknown with a deep knowing that I am and always will be okay. A true healer.

Working with Eric is working with a Master. His mastery of his craft and genuine caring creates an incredible experience. My Past Life Regressions and Life Between Lives session with Eric have provided me with valuable information and a sense of peace that I take with me on this life’s journey. Thank you, Eric for who you are and what you do.

Blog Articles


Training in Past Life Regression Therapy

Twenty five years ago, I started my training in past life regression…
Life Between Lives Transcription

Case Study: Catapulting Straight into the Healing Wisdom of the Afterlife

"At the center of your being you have the answers. You know who…

January Past Life Regression Workshop

You are an incredible, magnificent soul being that is eternal,…